Okay, so someone sent this to me and, doubtless, countless other sheeple, but for some reason I just feel like answering this one, even though I didn't answer the other one-thousand- four-hundred-and-fifty-one.
It can be dangerous perusing through files from Way Back When. But here are the results of a personality test I took in February of 2003. Heh. :-)
ChimpanzeeThat's right, chimps are the Einsteins of the primate world (so long as you're not counting that species known as human). That's why you might find that you're known as the tinkerer and the "
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Edit: At h's demand, you can now fill out the positive side. I would like to point out, quite simply, that if you did not fill out Nohari, your opinions about me are pretty much worthless so you probably shouldn't bother filling out Johari.