On clothing choices

Apr 02, 2018 21:49

Hi! Wow, it's been a while. Idk, life happened and I got busy and I am currently hopelessly behind on s13 ahhh, but I was thinking about spn and I kinda miss it. <3 I even got into writing some fic the other day, which was a little out of the blue considering I hadn't watched show/read fic in moooonths. Also I just saw we got renewed for s14!!! \o/

Today I wore navy rainboots with a black sweater, which I'm fairly certain is a no go as far as color combos go, and then it almost didn't even rain. So I was mostly just kicking around in clashy rain boots in sunny weather ahaha. That to say, I'm pretty sure this is why I'm fond of Sam's orange jacket from s12. (I don't remember/have any idea if it's still around, err.) Like, it works for me because it... doesn't work. XP

thanks, google

I mean, look at it. Why is it so bright and orange? Does Sam just really like this color? Wouldn't it not be the best for stealthy sneaking when hunting? Why is he wearing it with a blue shirt? Why is Dean so much better at this color combination thing?

I have a lot of questions.

I'm really curious about Sam's fashion choices. Clearly I'm not the best judge, but I'm pretty sure Sam's had multiple items of clothing of, uh, questionable taste. Which I'm all for, but it makes me wonder if Sam just can't always find nice clothing in his size, or maybe he purposely picks out clothes that make Dean roll his eyes, or maybe he just has kinda bizarre tastes. Or maybe some combo of the above.

In any case, I was always happy when this jacket made an appearace. I just picture every time he comes out with this jacket on Dean gives him crap for it, and Sam just furrows his brow and looks down at it and defends his weird clothing choices, and sometimes it makes for a kinda nice distraction from all the real stuff going down between them/around them.

And because I can't help but imagine the fateful day Sam acquired his jacket --

Sam fingers the jackets on the rack in the outlet store. It's January, dead winter in Illinois, and the pickings are pretty slim. He checks the tag of a nice-looking brown one, but it's way too small, and the material's pretty thin besides. Hmm... He glances behind him to make sure Dean is fully absorbed in cataloguing the store's sock assortment before reaching for an orange jacket, cut square and with a brown collar. He shrugs off his own jacket, ripped in the shoulder, and pulls this new one on. It sits surprisingly well on him, sleeves reaching to his wrists, jacket comfortably snug across his shoulders. It's a good weight, and that means maybe it will hold up a little longer than his last one. The color's a little... different, but Sam kind of likes it, and even better, Dean won't.

That settles it.

Dean's inspecting some woolen knit socks. Sam doesn't know. "Okay," he announces. "Found one."

Dean turns around, his eyebrows instantly scrunching. "What? Dude, no."

"What? It fits great."

"What are you? Ranger Rick meets construction worker? C'mon, we'll find a different store."

"No. I like this jacket. I need one, and it's practical. I'm getting it." Sam slides the jacket off and goes to pay.

"There is nothing practical about that color," he hears Dean grumble behind him.


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