Aug 11, 2007 20:32
i'm moved in! it's so good. i'm kind of alone, but it's okay. Dana's here and i think we're going to be doing something later, plus Jess'll be here tomorrow, plus i have plenty of decorating to do. i'm going to try to head out into the city pretty soon, just to get out of my room.
oh man, but the room is awesome! it's definitely bigger than my room last year, which was awkwardly shaped and couldn't quite fit a bed against the wall the right way.
i'm sure if Jess reads this, she will comment that it is at least twice the size of her room last year. which it is.
i will have pictures once it gets to its full potential, i.e. when i have finished decorating and when Jess has situated herself comfortably.
it's weird to be back here. the smell is the strangest part. i know it sounds odd, but it smells so much like it did at the beginning of last year, it takes effort for me to push back the emotions that i was feeling then whenever i get a whiff. the stairwells especially smell of it, but kind of everywhere has a smell that reminds me of the pre-knowing-anyone, pre-being-confident-that-i-can-exist-in-college, pre-i'm-okay-with-an-evolving-me anxiety. i put an air freshener in our room because it smelled a lot like sweaty man foot.
i also met our RA. she seems pretty cool. apparently i interviewed her last year for a story i did on the Katzen Arts Center for my journalism class. keep it on the DL that i definitely don't remember her.
i'm pretty excited for this year to start.