Good bit at the end

Apr 10, 2015 10:03

Work Blackberry is dead, Again! To get a replacement battery I have to drive 100 km round trip. Dear supervisor, that useless, badly designed and ineffective computer charting won't be done til you can give me some reliable technology. Powers that be - you might want to check out a little company called Apple. They make technology that is reliable, functional and in the end cost- effective. Never mind it doesn't make your staff want to hurl phones into the river.
New kettle is a pain. It's going back. Easier and faster to boil water in a saucepan. Not impressed. Why would anyone need a kettle that had any other setting than boil? I need a kettle so I don't boil pan dry, kettles shut off when I forget them, which is not uncommon.
Brain is still foggy and hurts every damn day. More when I do anything other than remain horizontal.
Latest round of medical tests done. Blood work is normal. Heart monitor leads left the skin under them red and irritated. Ditto staff dealing with said monitor. How can I push event button and record dizzy, faint feeling while providing nursing care? Sorry sir/lady, I have to stop doing x, y, z to you while I sit on floor, chair, bed. Take off gloves, partially undress, find button, push said button, then find and write in diary what the f just happened.
Eye doctor was supposed to do a certain test. Didn't. Did one he said was better. Don't know how that will work with specialists office. After a few moments of him pushing against my eye with his fingers, never mind if he didn't wash his hands, I got a little peeved and requested an explanation of his actions. Seems the glands that emit oil to lubricate eyeballs was clogged and he was de clogging. Yes, it's as icky and as uncomfortable as it sounds.

Pt's are dropping like flies. Hard on the pay check, need to prod office into refilling my caseload. At the mercy of budget mavens. Soon there will be too many pt's to care for? Feast Or famine.

Wildlife spotted on the ice, yes ice, spring is slow to come. Cute little otter with breakfast gripped in it's jaws as it scampered out of the river to it's den.

work, nursing, rant, rl, cracked pot, nature

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