Wanted to slap

Feb 20, 2015 21:40

Home support workerwho was sitting with recently discharged patient. He had been in hospital for mental health issue, but was found to have a serious infection. Came home this pm, IV drugs didn't arrive til after 7pm, but I was late due to complications with other patients. I was tired, hungry and had driven a few hundred km. Never mind the mental stress of dealing with several seriously ill palliative patients, their very stressed family, and the usual crap of the system. So, when I was flushing his IV my hands were a little shaky.
Instead of waiting til I was finished and asking to speak with me privately, bitch piped up, " why are your so trembling? I tried to blow her off, "I hadn't had my dinner." That wasn't enough to shut her up. "Are you diabetic?"  Then I laughed it off saying it's one of the joys of aging.

When the patient went into the bathroom I took a moment to tell her that her comment wasn't appreciated and was inappropriate. She was rude, told me it was because she was 'worried'. None of your damn business. It's totally inappropriate to raise that sort of thing in front of a patient. If there was a real concern, the correct way to deal with it is to ask me to speak with her privately.

The man has been in the hospital for several weeks, discharge planning fail. No orders faxed to me. All info I had was sent to my blackberry with a screen the size of a matchbox. It's a wonder there are so few cock-ups considering the total lack of co-ordination, misuse of technology and general asshattery.

It's still damn cold here. -30C this am, -25 just now and still dropping. Woodstove is working hard, more firewood came yesterday.

work, nursing, rant, rl, nature

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