Better today

Nov 06, 2014 20:20

Thanks for all the hugs and support. The last three days were bad. This am I felt able to work, and as the day went on, I felt better. Still slightly swollen on the left side of my face by the ear and jaw. Most of the swelling went down overnight, not pleasant, but it's good to be able to eat without my face blowing up. I had the ultrasound done late this afternoon. Report should be with my GP on Monday.

Something that made me feel good today, one of the nurses emailed me asking to book a session for recertifying for IV stuff. She's the one who attended for a session despite being told it was cancelled. Then proceeded to send me snarky emails. Big turnaround after talking to one of the other nurses. I'd not followed up with her, figured she'd blown off the re-cert.

"I hope I can still get in for a re- cert. L told me she learned more from 1 session with you than she has ever before."

L is the nurse who came across a rare, serious complication after our session. She credited the session with giving her the ability to identify and act appropriately in this situation.

nursing, flist, health

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