Self-inflicted pain

Sep 26, 2014 20:36

I've been bitten with the archeology bug. That's my excuse for doing my head in last Saturday. It's not until today that I've been back to my usual background pain. On Saturday, I dug, lifted, bent my head into a trench, lifted buckets of dirt. and shook the sifter. All things that are bad for my head. After a few hours on the dig, I realised what a fool I was. Oh well, I've had the experience of going on an archeological dig. I found a few thumbnail size bits of 14th Century aboriginal pot and saw an archeological dig first hand.

Here are the pottery sherds that I found via sifting soil from the trench.

A 14th Century pot found on the site.

Sifting the soil, looking for finds. A stone tool was found on Saturday.

More pottery

archeology, health

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