The saga continues

Jun 27, 2007 10:57

I called to book an appointment with the doctor from yesterday- Dr. V-  He's gone on holiday! ARGH- It's not that he shouldn't go on holiday but he could have told me!  I'm so glad I have the other specialist  in Toronto who will hopefully pull all the threads together and tell me what is wrong. I almost canceled the appointment, trying to be considerate of health care resources and as Dr V had been so nice. Maybe he's related to Voldemort.  I will see Dr Bob- one of the top lung specialists next Thursday.

This morning I had a rude surprise, the bears had been and tipped over my garbage storage box, cracking it. Living in the country we need to have such boxes, our garbage isn't picked up. The nearest dump is 10 km away. Lovely job-NOT- tidying garbage that has been tossed around after baking for a few days in our recent heat wave.

The dogs had a merry time while I was out yesterday. I came home  to find that they had somehow opened the lower cupboard door and pulled out the bin full of dog food. Needless to say neither asked for dinner last night. They won't get any tonight as well, little piggies. I have put a rubber band around the knobs, linking the two doors in hopes that it will stop future raids.

dogs, wildlife, rl, health

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