Dirt, bugs and itchy skin

Jul 25, 2013 17:23

Venturing into a garden center is a dangerous thing for me. I needed some bags of soil for the new bed which has come about due to a large bunch of hosta plants I was given a few weeks ago . Lots of plants on sale. An Azalea caught my eye, but I had to return it as I don't have the right location for it. The grape vine was only a few dollars, ditto two heather plants. So I was able to do a little gardening after work today. Dear brother had dug a new bed in front of the pergola. Two Black Elderberry bushes have been planted with the hostas. Grape vine is now on the north-west corner of the pergola.

This last week has been uncomfortable as I developed a severe allergic reaction to mosquito bites. Fell asleep after a long work day and didn't close the patio door. Thus the bugs had a veritable buffet. I counted over twenty bites on one leg. Over the counter remedies weren't working, managed to beg a GP to look at it, she prescribed some steroids which have helped. Dear brother fixed the broken screen door- the patio door, door sill and deck will need to be replaced some time soon, but not til the fall or hopefully the spring as $$ are tight. There is a huge wasp nest by my front door. I've had to use tenant's entry to avoid it as I'm deathly allergic to bee and wasp stings. Hopefully it will be sorted tomorrow.

Work is not too bad. Lots of IV patients right now. Grumpy not so old guy was a major jerk, wanted visits at 08 or 5 pm. Not happening with this nurse or my colleague, we both refused. So supervisor is still trying to sort it, after case manager promised what she shouldn't have. We have to be efficient in use of time and travel, plus take into account her need to be home for kids, me to be home to rest my poor head. So glad to not have to see him.

garden, work, home, health, wtf

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