Saturday in a fog- no it wasn't rapture

May 21, 2011 21:28

Woke in a fog with cellphone ringing at half-past when I should have been up and sipping tea, calling patients and getting my act together. Fog is making it very hard to get my act together.

The gods shined on me, patient whose IV I am to start very pleasant. Pharmacy cocked up and supplies that should have been there yesterday, will not be there til after 1230 today. wipes brow- no need to rush then Moved two patients to Sunday. Down to two that need to be seen today. Note that my day is very light- so much for the need for extra nurses on teh WE. iz not impressed However, there will be yard sales to day. A few more trays/serving dishes needed for feast.

My eyes are having difficulty focusing. Did someone slip me a mickey? Hopefully tea and a squint at flist will sort it. Going to take some Ibuprofen on spec in case it is a new take on migraine. The joys of aging. My migraines are taking on weird manifestations.
Home now. It was a migraine. Had two cups of tea, Lancashire cheese and flat breads. fell asleep on the couch til 9 pm. Lovely bath, then some left over Brie Tart. Still to die for. Will post recipe later this week. You must try it.
Somehow managed to fake my way thru the day. Lots of yard sales. Two had shut down, leaving boxes of free stuff. Snagged two lovely bedroom lamps, a folding table for brother, and a large iron candlestick for feast decor. At one sale, I pointed to a coffee maker, asked if it was working. "Yes, give me a dollar." sold  Pair of lined curtains - again for downstairs,  $5. I need to get more furnishings for downstairs. I picked up two nice pictures and a pair of wicker garbage baskets. Still need cutlery, dishrack, t-towels, a few more pics and another pair of curtains.

work, home, shopping, food, rl, migraine

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