chilly day

Jan 26, 2007 20:53

The day started out very cold, it was -30C. My car was rather reluctant to start and I was not much better. During my day off yesterday, I did too much housework and paperwork related to my job and as a result was rather tired. The cold, that began last Saturday, had been under control until today when severe sinus pain started. Personal experience has been that more rest usually means a cold interferes with life much less than if you try to carry on at full speed.

Btw for fellow sinus congestion sufferers I will share my favourite remedies: Olbas oil (health food store) place a few drops on cotton wool or tissue and place at the entrance to nostrils for a 10-30 seconds. The strong aromatics clear the sinuses quickly. A few inches of sliced fresh ginger placed in a pot with several cups of water, simmer for 15 minutes, pour into cup, add honey and the juice of half a lemon clears the head and gives you extra vitamin C. I haven't had a serious sinus infection since I had my ears candled in 1998. A client was an alternative health therapist and suggested it. She held the special candles at the entrance to my ear, a strip of foil was placed to capture any drops of wax. There was no pain, but I could hear a rushing noise and felt the fluids drain from my sinus, while her husband massaged them at the same time. For many years I had at least one sinus infection a year that needed antibiotics and caused me to miss work and suffer severe pain.

I feel really chuffed. Today I went to see a woman who I had been visiting earlier in the month. A few weeks ago I had sent her to hospital by ambulance. Her first words as I entered the house were "You saved my life." A brief explanation, her heartbeat had been irregular during previous visits,  which in itself is not always a serious problem, but that day it had been very slow and her blood pressure was low as well. Remote heart monitoring had picked up the problem earlier in the week, two doctors were aware of the problem and had consulted over it, a third doctor had decided against placing a pacemaker. So there it was, she needed intervention and all the doctors could do was disagree. It took almost two weeks in hospital for them to reach the obvious decision and insert a pacemaker. Most patients/clients are grateful for the care nurses provide, but few actually express it, most praise the doctors who "save the day".

nursing, winter, health

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