Some years ago, if anyone told me that the internet would increase the number of parcels and letters coming to my mailbox, I would have told them that was a lot of nonsense. Today, I know better. Aside from addiction to
bookmooch, their are all sort of lovely letters and parcels arriving, thanks to my wonderful internet friends. Today, two books arrived from a listsib on one of my email lists, and a lovely card with a handmade bookmark from
dacian_goddess . Such a wondeful greeting when I came home from work. As it happens, I managed to get my act together to send off bookmooch books, some rather battered but still readable Georgette Heyer books, duplicates that I offered before Christmas, are on there way to
zephiey The fourth package is on it's way to a super-seckrit recipient. A very silly but fun gift that I just HAD to send. iz mysterious
OOOPs- bad me- forgot to thank
irishredlass69 ,
dynonugget ,
sc010f and
bronze_ribbons for wonderful Christmas Cards- there were two others but my brain is not letting me remember, feels quite horrid forgetting.
Apologies to shiv5468 for the got.