Bat Mitzvah

Jun 24, 2009 20:18

Opened my mail today and found an invite to a Bat MItzvah. Surprisingly, this is the first one I have been invited to, so I need some info, etiquette, what to expect information. What sort of gift is usually given? There will be something at 10 am, then later on in the evening there is a formal.
Of course the dreaded what to wear question comes up. I think I have the first part sorted, but the evening event is formal, and I have not needed or worn formal attire for years and years. I found some astoundingly beautiful embroidered silk for $3.00 metre, so I bought all 6.7m of it. I spent ages looking at patterns today and could find nothing in a dress/gown that I liked. On my way home I came up with an idea- what about making a skirt and a blouse/top instead of a gown? Either way I need a pattern. Due to age, fat and flabby upper arms, sleeves are needed- at least short ones. I'm not a fan of big swathes of fabric flaying about, so fitted sleeves. I have an hourglass figure and would like to show off my boobs. I was thinking a calf or full length skirt, nice and swishy. If you know of a good online retailer for a dressy top, I'd love the link- not too pricey please.

In other news, I've finished my extra days nights of work, so I may get back to normal in a few days. Well worth this disorder if it means I can pay some bills and go on my trip to Pennsic. It's very hot here, I spent most of the day in Peterborough. Had an initial visit with a new dentist. Very nice set-up, but at least $2,000 in work to be done. Cleaning- not been done for 6-7 years, and three fillings need re-doing. sighs Looks like I will need to do some more nights.

sca, work, rl, help

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