Sleep Deprived Mumblings

Jan 24, 2007 06:56

Mmmmm funky brains. Tried to work a little on hammering down how things are getting to Estrella. I've been sleeping at very off hours, so I stayed up all night last night (Tuesday night) so that I'll hopefully stay awake all today and be exhausted by this evening and fall asleep early, thereby reseting my clock and allowing me to wake up early on Thursday for my work shift. We'll see how that goes, hopefully I'll still be at practice tonight. I want to fence! Muchly!

The sewing for Estrella is progressing, but not famously by any means. We have stuffed shoulder rolls and half pinned a large grey skirt. We contemplated and aborted embroidery on cuffs for my green sleeves.

To do list as of yet:
For me: Finish Purple doublet (hopefully with trim), Finish gray skirt, Make black tunic underdress, Make brown tunic overdress with elaborate sleeves, trim one of the new tunics, embroider the other, make matching green fur trimmed sideless surcoat with Viv, Fix red cotton skirt, add ruffles to cuffs for green dress (and purple doublet...) and check existing garb for malfunctions
For Others: A doublet and a fur trimmed tunic

Prioritizing is a bitch.

The stuff I've already prioritized onto the growing wish list (which probably won't get made):
For me: a chemise made to go under the green dress with sleeves and cleavage, mend my green striped socks, another fencing shirt with a good ruffle, a warm cozy hood, a new pair of bloomers, fix my glass bead necklace that broke at Bardic, a theoretical mantle to match my t-tunics and a partlet for the green dress (see a focus?)
For Others: A tunic and an undertunic

We'll see what actually gets done. I'm trying to work hard without getting my hopes up too high. Less stress that way. Still, I want to be warm and look as fabulous as I can. And incorporate period elements. God, I wish my shoes weren't such a bitch.

So I'm always interested in new or different words, word origins, and words that have been set apart. Like in Milton, the day we came in (shortly before our presentations) and the word "Futility" was written in large letters on the board. The word of the day, you might say, and it certainly was. Anyway, I love to read into it when I can. So I subscribed to the OED word of the day feed. It's amusing, to me. I think it selects randomly, but lately I've noticed a theme of negativity lately. The last two days have been "frenzy" and "agony". Before that we had "weaponize," "foot-shooting," "obsess," and "disabled list". Now I'm in no state of frenzied agony. But as words FOR the day, these have each been very ominous.

Still, I'm holding out lots of hope for today and this weekend. I've been managing to be happy and to get somethings done. I'm just moving at a slower pace ;-).

speaking of which. I want that caffeine patch! Stay up for days! With no side effects! Wheeeee!

But hey hey hey, halfway to the weekend! Squee.

sewing, internal clock, war, estrella, sca, mental state, oed

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