Nov 24, 2006 16:55
Thanksgiving was last night, incidentally. You may have celebrated. I know I did. I alternate between my parents' houses each year, because I refuse to play favorites and it's not fair for me to have to decide, so this year I went with Dad and Christine to Oma's. It was nice. I got there a tad late because I didn't realize "you can come at 2, but we're eating at 3" meant to actually be there at 2, and not 3. Either way, almost the whole family was there, and there was an amazing spread of food upon which I gorged myself. Alex contributed a great sweet potato recipe, in particular, and Christine made a stellar cornbread stuffing.
With Christine's family, we go around the table each year to say what we're thankful for. It's a bit nerve-wracking. Dad started, and he said he was thankful for the kids all doing so well, and in particular, thankful that I was in love. Which I seconded, when it came to my turn, stating that, "so I'm in love, and it's pretty awesome, so I'm thankful for that!" After mine, the best response was of my extremely antisocial 14-year-old cousin, Zack, who hemmed and hawwed a bit, until his mom said "just say you're thankful for World of Warcraft and we can move on." It was funny.
I stayed for around 3 hours, we picked lots for our family polyanna on Christmas, talked, and then I housed a slice of pecan pie before leaving to meet my love. Mindy went with her family -- this early, we just wanted to avoid any family conflict, but it's also likely the last holiday we'll spend apart from one another -- to her brother-in-law's sister's house. Lots of people. I had met the immediate players before, and it was excellent to see them again, as usual, and I met several more. Dr. Jack, Mindy's dad came right over and gave me their secret handshake, which surprised me (I know it, but I didn't expect it, so I had to think on my feet).
The best was seeing the little girls, though -- Sydney and Sofia, 4 and 2. SOOO fucking cute, we can hardly handle it. I'd met them once and fell in love and was worried they wouldn't remember me, but right as I walked in, I said hello to Phil, then Sydney screamed "Hi Jason!" She came over and I gave her a hug, then stood back up. Then Sydney said "no kiss?!" So I bent back down and gave her a little peck. So sweet! Then we went down into the basement where all the little wittle tykes were, and saw Sofia, who was already dressed in her little pink onesie for bed. But tired she was not. She yelled something resembling "Hi Jason!" and I could hardly handle it. I gave her a tiny, tiny hug, then played with them a while. They were shooting hoops on a kiddie basket, and running around, and the two of them kept running over to me to sit on my lap. It was so cute!
Anyway, thanksgiving was really nice, and I got to finish it with the one I most wanted to be with. My love, Mindy.