The END is near

Jul 16, 2006 21:38

It's true. It is. I've got 90k. I can almost taste that precious 100k. I'm going to push myself to be done by the end of the week so that I can start editing by... August or so. We'll see how that works out. But for now, I'm just happy to have gotten so far. I didn't even realize how stressful it can be until I took break yesterday by going out to dinner and almost couldn't bear to leave. I love writing, but 100k in a month would wear anyone out.

In other news:

I read an article yesterday about a mid-list author. It was startling to say the least. Here's the link:

In the article, this anonymous mid-list author tells her story. She explains her first big advance and how her writing career has gone downhill from there.

The terrifying thing, in my eyes, is not the money really. It's the fact that she says that every book she publishes might be the last one the industry publishes from her. She survives book to book, never sure if she'll get the chance to write the next one.

This made me think twice about my disgust with authors like Nora Roberts. Sure, her plots aren't strikingly original, but she's found a way to get published. Moreover, she's found a way to continue getting published. Even if I don't like her books, her longevity in the business is commendable in and of itself.

Which reminds me of a book I did like. Harry Potter.

I'm speaking specifically of the first one here. I haven’t read them all. They got a little dull.

Anyway, I caught a snatch of the movie on television yesterday. I'd forgotten what it was like to read that book the first time. Sure J.K. Rowling is ridiculously wealthy from her writing and all, but there's probably a good reason for that. The reality she created is one the reader can almost be a part of. No matter how old you are, you read that book and can't help but think, "I could have been born into this world." Attending school at Hogwarts rather than Smalltown High seems just barely possible. It's truly amazing.
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