Feb 13, 2006 12:17


Unlike Recommen, I don't think these two radio shows are available for download, so when I do write about them, it'll be from fan I might not get everything correct (I'll note things I'm not sure of).

Kikujani is on every Saturday night with two members.

They do :
1) Opening talk
2) Kikemero - each member picks a song and then say something that “they’ll say only here” that usually relates to the song they pick in some way.
3) Telling lies - one member makes up a question about himself with three possible answers and gives explanations of each one (lying for two of the answers), and the other guy has to try guess the correct one.  It’s like playing two lies and one truth… actually, that’s exactly it.
4) Yomeota - they read mail from a listener and answer her question.
5) EcoRanger - jingles/comments from each member about preserving the environment…I believe they sprinkle these throughout the show before and after commercial breaks.
6) Ending talk

Murakami Shingo’s Shuukan Kanjani Tsuushin (Weekly Kanjani Correspondance) is on every Sunday nights.

So the show is Hina + 3 other members = 4 people every week.  They tape a couple shows in one sitting, so it’s the same people 3 or 4 weeks in a row.  There’s a short intro talk in the beginning, then they either do:
1) psychological tests sent in by listeners (funfunfun)
2) would you rather… sent in by listeners [this is just…ace. can’t really explain its awesomeness cause they didn’t do it last week, but they’ll get questions from “Would you rather for the rest of your life to be bald or have loonnng hair?” to “Would you rather hear the hard truth or sweet lies?” but they treat each question (even the very silly ones) seriously and sometimes even argue with each other about their answers]
3) answer mail from listeners about their worries/troubles
4) special projects
5) and sometimes…(or is it every week?) they have this segment where they talk about a girl comic book (comic book targeted to teenage girls) that they have to read… these are pretty boring except if Yoko’s there, then he’ll get everyone off-topic.

I think I shall keep this up top as intro + quick reference.

PS: My Japanese is weakweakweak, so I'll definitely won't get everything they say + get some stuff wrong = feel free to add/correct stuff!

hina, recommen, osaka taro, k taro, tsuushin, yoko, intro, kikujani, kanjani

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