Going to try contact paper in my cricut mini to make stencils for PoD titles for the PoD quilt I'm making for my daughter. Can you reply with the settings you use for depth, speed, # of cuts, etc? That will give me a starting point to work with...
In which I talk a bit about costuming, granny squares, make a plea for some yarn, and show the three Project Linus blankets I turned in this past Saturday at the October meeting
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It's much easier to post to both YouTube and Livejournal than it was when we first started this community four and a half years ago, so, hey, how about some updated directions?!
I would love some suggestions on how to increase participation here on ttmt. While I love posting each week whether you all do or not, it makes it much more fun for everyone when you're here, too
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Many years ago I had a cross stitch Birth sampler that had a scale (to record the weight) a calendar (to record the date) and a clock (for the time) along with various other bits for a baby on there .. Does anyone know where I can get hold of one similar?? Free would be great but I am willing to pay for the pattern .