TTMT the 25th with dozmuffinxc!

Sep 14, 2011 00:18

In which gifts, goodies, mail, and a SSFD prize are shown!

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Comments 11

ofenjen September 14 2011, 17:56:06 UTC
Your excitement is contagious...yay!! you sing when you teach?


dozmuffinxc September 14 2011, 18:48:29 UTC
Occasionally ^_^

Today, however, I had the unparalleled delight of yelling at them all about hellfire and damnation. I love teaching Puritanism ;)


ofenjen September 16 2011, 02:05:16 UTC
Miss E has a teacher this year that made me think of you. He's got them doing character studies from A Raisin in the Sun, which they write as verse. Then, he pulls out his guitar and sings what they wrote. Elena is LOVING the class.


dozmuffinxc September 16 2011, 02:11:37 UTC
Whoisthismanishesingleisheyoung? If so, give him my number! :D


cosmictwirling September 14 2011, 18:10:04 UTC
I do love my Tribble, but have not named HER yet. I am hoping that she has some babies some day though...maybe I'll have to learn to knit, ha!
Thanks again, it's a great prize and you are special to make it for me.


dozmuffinxc September 14 2011, 18:48:42 UTC
So glad you like her! Do let me know when you settle on a name!


aalia7 September 14 2011, 19:22:28 UTC
Adorable Tribble! Irresistible.

Love the's so nice to have Bill and Jane so close to your heart!

Although I am personally unversed in the world of Dr. Who, that zappy thingy is incredibly cool.

And what a sweet idea for your niece...I'm sure it will cheer her.

And what a nice memento from the HP exhibit. I don't remember seeing postcards when I saw the exhibit here in Chicago, just a big WB gift shop at the exit. But, I was so shaky from the experience, it's a wonder I remember anything from that day! (Standing 6 inches from Professor Snape's costume? Come onnn...) :)


clumsy_chord September 15 2011, 00:40:20 UTC
Love the sonic screwdriver :D Too bad you can't record a few seconds of yourself speaking to go along with the green bit :D

The skeleton hand is great!

That's a sweet idea for the lion.


crafts4others September 15 2011, 18:13:01 UTC
I have not watched dr who but the sonic screwdriver was cool. love the necklace and the skeleton hand. The lion is cute and I am sure she will love it.


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