TTMT the 25th with dozmuffinxc!

Sep 14, 2011 00:18

In which gifts, goodies, mail, and a SSFD prize are shown!

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ofenjen September 14 2011, 17:56:06 UTC
Your excitement is contagious...yay!! you sing when you teach?


dozmuffinxc September 14 2011, 18:48:29 UTC
Occasionally ^_^

Today, however, I had the unparalleled delight of yelling at them all about hellfire and damnation. I love teaching Puritanism ;)


ofenjen September 16 2011, 02:05:16 UTC
Miss E has a teacher this year that made me think of you. He's got them doing character studies from A Raisin in the Sun, which they write as verse. Then, he pulls out his guitar and sings what they wrote. Elena is LOVING the class.


dozmuffinxc September 16 2011, 02:11:37 UTC
Whoisthismanishesingleisheyoung? If so, give him my number! :D


ofenjen September 16 2011, 02:12:54 UTC
I know he's young, score one in his favor! ;)


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