Title: Time for Speeches Later
Fandom: DC Universe
Characters/Pairing: Kon/Cassie, Superman
Rating: PG-13
Words: 1083
Summary: On the most important day of his life, there's only one person Kon wants to be with.
Author's Notes: This is future-fic, about three years after Kon's return. Kon and Cassie are recently married, Cassie is in college while Kon does the hero thing full time (calling himself "Valor" now), and they're expecting their first child. No real spoilers, although there is some fanon spec on Superman and New Krypton. Written for
shananagin, both for her request of "lust" in my
Mood Challenge and for
Write Superboy in an Unusual Pairing Month. Apparently Kon's canon girlfriend qualifies for this, because very few people actually write this pairing. XD
And yes, this is sickeningly sweet.
Time for Speeches Later