Title: Paperwork
Author: Maeve Bran
Word Count: 200
Challenge:#101 Paperwork
Fandom: Marvel Movie Universe (The Avengers)
Disclaimer: I own neither Buffy the Vampire Slayer nor anything in the Marvel Movie Universe. I'm just borrowing them for a little unprofitable fun.
Summary: Buffy realizes she's working for the Government when she gets a stack of paperwork.
Notes: Set in the same verse as "Not So Secret", "Deadly Dancing","A Sparring Partner", and "Home Sweet Home"
Buffy sat at the table, contemplating the paperwork she had just been handed. Now she knew she was working for some Government agency- the paperwork gave it away. She just hoped Giles was right that S.H.I. E.L.D. was different from the Initiative.
“Need a hand with that?” Steve asked as he came into the room.
“I thought you left with everyone else,” Buffy observed.
“I did but then realized that you weren’t with us, so I came back,” Steve said with a smile. “Can’t leave a member of the team behind.”
“I was just looking over this stuff, seeing what I was getting into,” Buffy said.
“I thought the fight yesterday was a good example of what we’re up against,” Steve said.
“Fighting is something I’m used to, Captain,” Buffy said with a smile. “I’ve been fighting things bigger and stronger than me since I was fifteen. It’s the paperwork I’m not used to.”
Steve looked at her in astonishment. What kind of world was this future that had fifteen year old girls fight it’s battles? “Call me Steve,” He suggested. “And I can help with the paperwork, if you want it.”
“I’d like that, Steve,” Buffy smiled at him.
Title: The Land of the Living
Author: Maeve Bran
Word Count: 200
Challenge:#110 Burning the Candle at Both Ends
Fandom: Marvel Movie Universe (The Avengers)
Disclaimer: I own neither Buffy the Vampire Slayer nor anything in the Marvel Movie Universe. I'm just borrowing them for a little unprofitable fun.
Summary: Buffy gets in from slaying and runs into Steve getting coffee.
Notes: Set in the same verse as "Not So Secret", "Deadly Dancing","A Sparring Partner", and "Home Sweet Home"
Buffy walked into the kitchen like a zombie. This business of meetings at eight am after a night of slaying was getting old. Not that she needed to slay, but once a Slayer always a Slayer. Sometimes just going out and staking a few vamps would clear her head.
She zeroed into the coffee pot and poured herself a cup on automatic pilot. She didn’t see that she wasn’t alone until she ran into the chest of Captain America.
“What are you doing up?” Steve asked as he steadied her.
“I’m just getting in,” Buffy said. “I just needed to get out and slay something. What about you?”
“I don’t sleep well,” Steve said. “Something about a seventy year nap makes sleep these days superfluous.”
“I bet,” Buffy said as she sipped her coffee. “Coming back from the dead does a number on one’s sleep doesn’t it?”
Steve gaped at her.
“Not that being ripped out of Heaven and being thawed from being frozen for seventy years are exactly the same but still I have some experience trying to readjust to life again” Buffy said. “If you want to talk you know where to find me.” She left the room.