(Amnesty) Challenge #49, #97

Mar 14, 2010 06:54

Title: Visits to the Sickbay
Word count: 200
Fandom: Star Trek (2009)/Buffy
Challenge: #49 - medical emergency
Summary: Even with a cute, snarky doctor, visits to the sickbay are not Buffy's favorite thing to do.
Disclaimer: Joss owns "Buffy," Paramont and JJ Abrahms own "Star Trek," I own my multi-colored pens.

"I'm telling you, it's not that bad!" Buffy said between gritted teeth. McCoy rolled his eyes as he examined the gouge wounds on her side.

"Be quiet and stop moving," he snapped at her, his gentle hands contrasting with his harsh words. Buffy glared at him, but did what he said. He cleaned and skillfully bandaged her wound before standing back.

"Try to wait a week before coming in here again," he said gruffly, standing back as she got off the table.

"Fine by me, Doc," she said before leaving.

"What did I tell you last time?" McCoy growled at Buffy a few days later, examining a knife wound on her arm. "Do you purposefully try to get yourself injured."

"Yes, because I enjoy my time here so much," Buffy shot back sarcastically. Damn Kirk for forcing her to come here when she would've been fine on her own.

"I'm glad someone is," he muttered under his breath. His tone struck her, but she couldn't quite place it at first before it hit her.

"You know, as much as I hate this place, I wouldn't mind seeing you elsewhere." His mouth quirked at this statement.

"I'll keep that in mind," he said.

Title: No Destiny Needed, Thanks
Word count: 100
Fandom: Smallville/Buffy
Challenge: #97 - mistaken identity
Summary: Carter Hall should not have mentioned the "d" word around Buffy.
Disclaimer: Joss owns "Buffy," Warner Brothers owns "Smallville," I own my notebook.
Note: This is a sequel to Dreams of Flying and The Soul Remains the Same

"You're wrong," Buffy told the man bluntly. "I don't know who this Sheira person is, but I'm not her."

Carter Hall wracked his brain, trying to find a way to explain to this woman that she was his love reincarnated. "You died years ago," he explained. "I thought I would never find you until after I had died as well."

"And this was why?"

"Because we're destined to find each other," he began before the deadly look in her eye stopped him.

"I make my own destiny," she said in a low voice. "I don't need to be in yours."

author: kerrykhat, challenge: 097, challenge: 049, event: mod birthday, xover: smallville, xover: star trek

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