Title: The Soul Remains the Same
Word count: 100
Fandom: Smallville/Buffy
Challenge: #74 - lost and found
Summary: Carter Hall had thought he had lost Sheira forever--until he saw her.
Disclaimer: Joss owns "Buffy," Warner Brothers owns "Smallville," I own my notebook.
Note: This is a sequel to
Dreams of Flying Carter Hall had thought he had lost Sheira forever in this lifetime. One minute, she was beside him fighting the Injustice Society, the next, he was holding her bleeding body. A hollowness had pervaded him after her death, no matter what he did to try to feel again. All he could do was wait for death so that he could be reunited with Sheira.
That was what he thought, until he saw her walking down the street. She didn't look anything like he remembered Sheira--small, blonde, and a haunted look on her face--but her soul was the same.
"Sheira," he whispered.