Title: Two Times Dawnie's Mind Wandered
Author: kayley
Word Count: 200
Fandom: Supernatural, A Knight's Tale
Challenge: #046 - Spell(s) gone wrong
Disclaimer: Don’t own
“Remember, you need to concentrate,” Willow spoke softly as Dawn practiced opening a portal. Dawn was trying so hard but her mind wandered at the last moment to the cute guy she had met the night before. Next thing she knew, the portal had opened right before him.
“Um… hi Sam,” she said nervously as she took in his surrounds. His brother was standing there with a gun pointed straight at her.
“Don’t shoot Dean!” Sam ordered. “Dawn?”
“Yeah, it’s me… so, how are you?” she asked as Willow quietly whispered an incantation to close the portal.
“Concentrate!” Willow reminded.
The next time Dawn tried opening a portal, Willow asked Buffy to be there with her. She was hoping that by having Buffy there would stop Dawn’s mind from wandering to cute guys. However, Buffy was sitting there sharpening her sword, with the noise getting on their nerves.
The portal opened, but not to anywhere they knew. Instead they ended up viewing a tournament between two knights named Sir Ulrich and Count Adhemar.
“Wow, Sir Ulrich’s kinda cute,” Buffy said after he had taken his helmet off.
“Better close it down Dawnie,” Willow warned as she noticed the crowd watching.