Title: A Muggle Magic Shop
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Harry Potter
Challenge: 85 make do
Disclaimer: Joss and JK own these guys not me
“You call this a magic shop?” Severus opened one of the book s on the shelf, “Honestly Ripper how do you get any of your homework done if this is all you have.”
“I manage.” Ripper shrugged.
“Merlin they have Orbs of Thesula. What the hell can you actually do with one of these beside use it as a paper weight.”
“Ensoul a vampire.” Ripper said offhandedly.
Ethan put an arm around Severus, “Or you could chuck them at Black and Potter while they’re flying on the quidditch mount. Paper weights can do massive damage.”
Severus smirked, “These will do.”
Title: The Make Up of a Team
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Supernatural and Dresden
Challenge: 85 Make do
Disclaimer: I don’t own Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Supernatural, or Dresden
“Make do? Make do?! This isn’t a freaking cake we’re talking about! You can’t substitute one person for another and get the same result. I need her.” Dean ranted at Giles.
Giles shook his head, “Willow’s needed elsewhere. You’ll have to take Dresden.”
Harry sighed, “I have to work with these two again? Bob is going to be thrilled.”
“No freaking way. I’m not working that damn ghost.”
Sam laughed. And Dean glared at him. “Come on Dean. You can see your girlfriend later. Besides Bob’s not that bad.”
“He makes out with another ghost again and his skull’s toast.”
Title: The Second Slayer
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Dollhouse
Challenge: 85 make do
Disclaimer: Joss own Buffy and Dollhouse
“Sir it appears that the line has reverted back to Miss Summers. We will have to make do with one slayer again.” The watcher said.
“Well that just won’t do.” Quentin Travers pulled out a piece of paper and placed it in front of the other man.
“The Dollhouse sir?”
“For right now we can get one done. They can give her the skills and know-how. I have a coven that will do the rest. We will give her a background that will make her trust anyone who makes her important and safe.”
“And what is this slayer’s name?”