challenges #007 & #025

Mar 01, 2008 15:26

A/N: These two tie into the universe of mine where Faith goes to Atlantis which I've created in answers to challenges #71 - #74 and #00, #02, #03.

Title: Sci-Fi
Author: kayley
Word Count: 100
Fandom: SG Atlantis
Challenge: #007 - Star Wars
Disclaimer: Don’t own

Faith smiled at Sheppard before holding up her hands, which held two movies. He nodded and went to get Ronon and Teyla. The two of them couldn’t wait to see what their reactions of the movies would be. They gathered in Faith’s room and she started the first film. Star Wars Episode IV, A New Hope.

By the end of the film, Sheppard had wished that they had invited McKay as well. He could do a whole spiel on the techniques used in film making. The best Faith could do was say it was sci-fi and not based on reality.

Title: Major John Cobb?
Author: kayley
Word Count: 100
Fandom: SG Atlantis
Challenge: #025 - Firefly/Serenity
Disclaimer: Don’t own

The second film was Serenity. After the explanations for Star Wars, it was easier to deal with the questions about Serenity… until Sheppard mentioned that it was based on a cancelled television show.

“But if the television show was cancelled, then why would they create a film about it?” Teyla asked confused.

So Faith had to explain about the fan base that helped to keep it alive.

“They remind me of us,” Ronon interrupted them.

“How so?” Faith asked.

“Same bad luck, same kind of warriors, an enhanced female fighter.”

“True, and Sheppard’s a perfect match for Jayne,” Faith joked.

challenge: 025, challenge: 007, author: kayleyangel, xover: sga

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