A/N: These three all tie into the universe of mine where Faith goes to Atlantis which I've created in answers to challenges #71 - #74 BUT all can be read as a standalone.
Title: Decisions
Author: kayley
Word Count: 200
Fandom: SG Atlantis
Challenge: #000 - Starting Over
Disclaimer: Don’t own
When Riley had approached them in relation to a new problem, there were several drastic decisions to be made. Firstly, would they get involved. Secondly, who would be involved in the situation. And thirdly, how much information about themselves would be put forward.
The first Watchers Council meeting after the situation was presented quickly covered the first decision and the third decision. From what they had been told, the SGC could keep a secret and would assist in protecting whoever was involved from the NID… not that they would expect the NID to have anything to do with them after the Initiative.
It left the problem of who to send. Buffy had pulled her name out of the contention almost immediately but she did nominate someone. Someone she believed deserved the chance to have a fresh start. To be able to begin again.
Willow and Giles quickly agreed. Not because they wanted to be rid of her, but because they believed as Buffy had. She had made up for past faults and deserved the right to start over.
When they approached her and explained their reasoning, there was only one thing left for Faith to say…
“I’m leaving when exactly?”
Title: Heart to Heart
Author: kayley
Word Count: 200
Fandom: SG Atlantis
Challenge: #002 - Character: Buffy
Disclaimer: Don’t own
Faith was packing her bag for her journey to Atlantis. When they had approached her originally, she was all for it. Now she was having second thoughts.
“Hey Faith, how’s it going?” Buffy asked as she came into her room and plopped herself down on Faith’s bed.
“Five by five…”
“Okay, this time with a little more enthusiasm…” Buffy smirked. “But seriously, it’s a big move and a lot to take on board. Wanna talk about it?”
So Faith spilt to Buffy about her worries and concerns over the move. Buffy nodded, listening intently to her. She could understand what Faith was going through.
“Don’t worry too much Faith. We asked you because we know you can do this. Hell, you’ve had the potentials and the newbies listening to you way more than they have to me… since you don’t make speeches.”
Faith snorted.
“But also, from the info that Riley gave to us, you should fit in pretty nicely. Teyla is the Slayer on board from what we can gather and she seems pretty open minded. Major Sheppard has made mistakes, disobeyed commands and he’s accepted… he’s even the military commander.”
“Thanks B.”
“Anytime F, and you know it.”
Title: Oops
Author: kayley
Word Count: 100
Fandom: SG Atlantis
Challenge: #003 - Cookies
Disclaimer: Don’t own
The first time that Willow and Dawn cast the portal for Faith to travel to Atlantis, she ended up in a Genii camp. After dealing with them for a day and realising they were nothing more than warriors and liars, Faith was pulled back to Earth.
“What did you do?” Faith demanded of Willow before a plate filled with cookies was placed in front of her by Dawn.
“I mucked up the spell. But don’t worry, I’m ready to cast it again… eat a cookie, ease my pain?” Willow babbled.
“Fine,” Faith replied. “Let’s try this again shall we?”