Title: Quite Fetching
Challenge #029: Legends
Word Count: 100
Crossover: Grant Morrison's New X-Men
Disclaimer: Characters and concepts don't belong to me. Possible Buffy Season 8 spoilers.
Note: Continues from The Blue Hour.
A spacefaring race called the Shi'ar has known for countless millennia the legend of the mummudrai. Before birth, every child is attacked by an astral parasite; most die after being fought off, but rarely, one survives, remaining unnoticed.
The Shi'ar never visited this Earth, and so the newly-embodied mummudrai does not know his true nature. He only remembers reawakening seven years ago, and slowly feeding on Xander's negative emotions. He knows every slight and every angry moment.
He was free briefly, years before, but confused, not focused on what he really wanted. This time, he will start with the Slayer.
Title: Spooky
Challenge #024: Five Senses
Word Count: 200
Crossover: The West Wing
Disclaimer: Characters and concepts don't belong to me.
Before she really knew him, she noticed the scent of fresh-cut wood he always seemed to carry.
She saw him as a mass of contradictions. He was barely an adult, but the look in his remaining eye and the scars he didn't know she'd seen spoke of depth she'd be more likely to associate with Leo McGarry.
She heard him say, one day, "We've seen things that no human should ever have to witness, and done things no one should ever have to live with. But life goes on, and you can't just run and hide until it goes away." He wasn't talking to her, and he didn't say "we all"; still, she thought that he knew more about her past than he let on.
She crossed off "Annivorcery #2" on her calendar and sighed. A callused, yet gentle hand touched her shoulder, just for a moment, and she looked back to see Xander smile at her as he walked down the hall.
When they finally kissed, Kate Harper didn't taste any trepidation or regret. None at all.
She asked him how he understood her so well, and he replied, modestly, that it didn't take a sixth sense or anything.
Title: I am...
Challenge #018: The elements
Word Count: 100
Crossover: Captain Planet
Disclaimer: Characters and concepts aren't mine.
If, two months ago, you had told Buffy that she would face her greatest challenge in the embodiment of pollution, she would have laughed in your face.
Nevertheless, she and her friends spent those months getting their asses kicked, until Willow invoked the spirit of the Earth for help.
"Earth!" Giles said, a green beam of light emitting from the ring.
"Fire!" "Wind!" "Water!" Xander, Buffy, and Willow added their elements.
"How did I get stuck with heart?" Dawn griped.
Buffy glared at her. "Heart!" she finally said.
"By your powers combined..." the blue figure proclaimed, "I am Captain Planet!"