Title: The Truth Will Set You Free(Literally)
Word Count: 200
Fandom: Supernatural (In the first season-ish)
Challenge: #71 a truth and a lie
Disclaimer: I don't own them
“We’re from the FBI. I’m Agent Johnson and that’s Agent Lancaster. You’re committing a felony by holding us captive.” Dean tried to see past the light that was blinding him.
“Lie.” A female voice said.
“Oh I found them, FBI badges.” This time it sounded like a teenage girl.
“They’re fake yo trust me I know these thing.” A husky voice said.
“Telling the truth might make this easier for you.” The first voice spoke again.
“Might?” Dean raised an eyebrow.
“Well if you’re evil it’s not going to help you.” The teenager girl snorted.
Dean opened his mouth to speak but Sam spoke first, “Sam and Dean Winchester, we’re hunters. Believe it not there are supernatural things like-”
Immediately the light on them turned off. “Nice going Sammy.”
Then the room’s lights turned on revealing three women. “We’ve been expecting you, however this would have gone a lot smoother if you had used the front door instead of climbing over the wall.” A redheaded woman smirked.
Even though Sam knew that it might flip the chair he was tied to over, he still did it. Dean yelped as Sam’s foot connected hard against his brother’s shin.