Title: One For A Wedding
Word Count: 100
Fandom: X-men (comics not the movie)
Challenge: #13 - Weddings that were not
Disclaimer: I don't own them
“Ya’ll so cute. You know you should-”
“No Rogue!” Logan said as he sipped his coke and tried to watch the football game.
Rogue pushed off the couch she was sitting on. “Why not sugah? You two are perfect.”
“I’m trying to watch this Rogue.” Logan growled.
Rogue stood in front of the tv, “Well-”
“I’m not going to ask Faith to marry me!” Logan yelled.
“Good cause I ain’t one for a wedding.” Faith said from the doorway with two beers in hand.
She sat in Logan’s lap and handed him one. “Hey R could you move?”