#51 - Fourteen Perfect Valentine Days

Feb 14, 2007 20:50

A/N: I'm a little late but it's still Valentine's Day somewhere. There are actually fourteen of these drabbles I don't know why they're not showing but they are all here just click on either cut.

Valentine's Day #1
Title: Pirates
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean
Challenge: #51 - the written word
Disclaimer: I don't own Elizabeth or Spike
Summary: Before there was a blacksmith there was a poet.

William looked at the pretty girl that he had met when his mother had brought him to Port Royal for vacation. Then he looked back at the parchment he clutched in his grip. He cleared his throat before speaking, “I sailed the sea to meet you. Crossed the waters filled with pirates just to be with you. Ignore what your father may say, and be with me on this Valentine’s Day.” William looked back hopefully at Elizabeth Swann.

Elizabeth threw her arms around him and kissed him on the cheek. “Of course William. After all you did survive the pirates.”


Valentine's Day #2
Title: A Surprise
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Harry Potter
Challenge: #51 - the written word
Disclaimer: I don't own Ethan or Severus or the four Gryffindor boys(it's james, sirius, remus, and peter if you couldn't tell)
Summary: Even Slytherins celebrate Valentine's Day

“Come on Sev. I’ve got a surprise for you.” Ethan said trying to drag his friend into the Great Hall.

“I told you Ethan. I don’t do Valentine’s Day.” Severus tried to yank his arm away.

“But I worked all night on this present. Even Ripper helped and he doesn’t do Valentine’s Day either.” Ethan cajoled.

“Fine.” Severus stopped fighting.

“We’re going to kill you Rayne.”

Severus took one look at the four oncoming Gryffindors and laughed, “I love it.”

“I thought you would.” Ethan smiled. Each Gryffindor boy had one word written on his forehead.






Valentine's Day #3
Title: The Equation
Word Count: 100
Fandom: SG-1
Challenge: #51 - the written word
Disclaimer: I don't own Willow, Kennedy, or Sam
Summary: You don't always need a date if you can do the math

Willow looked eagerly at her computer to check her e-mails. She had been chatting online with Genius_of_the_Gate for about two months. After Kennedy had broken up with her, she had been heart broken but Sam had cheered up. Today was Valentine’s day and she was feeling down. So Willow was really looking forward to talking to Sam. She opened her e-mail and found a page of equations. At the very bottom the final equation was ‘girl - date + chocolate + stuffed animal = happiness’ Willow turned to look at the chocolate and stuffed bear Sam had sent her and smiled.


Valentine's Day #4
Title: A Simple Note
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Anita Blake
Challenge: #51 - the written word
Disclaimer: I don't own Jason or Oz
Summary: A note can say more than a thousand words

Oz looked at his boyfriend and smiled. Jason talked a lot. Said he had to make up for how much Oz didn’t. And he flirted with everything that walked by him. It was all harmless, Oz knew that now. Jason had explained to him that nobody else meant as much as he did. Not anymore. Nobody had thought these two wolves would get along let alone get together. But they had, not because of Jason’s mouth but because of his note that had simply said ‘I like you’. Jason captured his boyfriend’s lips in a kiss. “Happy Valentine’s Day lover.”


Valentine's Day #5
Title: A Signed Photo
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Galaxy Quest
Challenge: #51 - the written word
Disclaimer: I don't own Andrew, Katelyn, or Jason Nesmith
Summary: Even geeks do Valentine's Day

Katelyn looked at her boyfriend of three months. It was Valentine’s Day and it had been perfect. He had taken her out to dinner and bought her the Lord of Rings special edition trilogy. She had searched long and hard for a gift for him. She hoped he would like it.

“Kate is something wrong? It was my friends, wasn’t it? I knew I shouldn’t have introduced you-”

“No everything’s prefect Andy. Happy Valentine’s day.” She handed him his gift.

Andrew opened it and gave a squeal before hugging her. “An signed photo of Jason Nesmith. I love you.”


Valentine's Day #6
Title: Family
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Heroes
Challenge: #51 - the written word
Disclaimer: I don't own Lindsey or Claire
Summary: A perfect goodbye

“Alright kiddo, I’m off to L.A.” Lindsey said ruffling his niece’s hair.

“No not on Valentine’s Day you can’t go.” Claire cried latching onto him.

“I go to go baby.” Lindsey reached into his bag to pull out a medium sized stuffed bear holding a heart. Claire hugged the bear running out of the room. Lindsey stood back up and started to walk out.

“No wait!” She came rushing back in with a red card.

Lindsey smiled as he read the six-year-old’s scribbling of ‘Happy V Day’ He hugged her one last time. “I’ll come back for Easter.”

“You better.”


Valentine's Day #7
Title: Valentine's Day Sucks
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Supernatural
Challenge: #51 - the written word
Disclaimer: I don't own Dawn, Sam, or Dean
Summary: A candy heart can fix anything if it has the right words

Dean was watching his brother sulk into his beer. It was his first Valentine’s Day since Jess had died. It was hitting him pretty hard. He watched a tall brunette walk over to Sam. She handed something to Sam. His brother looked down at what he held and laughed. She smiled and walked back to her table.

“Dude what did she give you?” Dean asked. Sam held up a candy heart. It didn’t say love you or some shit. No in black it said Valentine’s Day Sucks. Dean grabbed Sam and sat at her table.

She smiled at them, “Dawn.”


Valentine's Day #8
Title: The Fine Print
Word Count: 100
Fandom: X-men
Challenge: #51 - the written word
Disclaimer: I don't own Faith or X-men
Summary: Faith reunites with the elevator guy for Valentine's Day

The guy from the elevator was hot and he was hers. Nothing was waiting for him back in New York, just like she didn’t have anyone waiting for her. There was no other way she’d want to spend her Valentine’s Day. Hot guy, sex, beer, and pizza. Except he was getting up to leave. “Logan where you going?”

“You said your plane leaves in two hours. You need to get going if you’re going to make it.” Logan said.

Faith grabbed him, “Didn’t you read the fine print baby? The plane won’t leave without me. It’ll wait.”

“In that case.”


Valentine's Day #9
Title: Written In The Stars
Word Count: 100
Fandom: The Addams family
Challenge: #51 - the written word
Disclaimer: I don't own Wednesday or Drusilla
Summary: An Addams gets a gift that she rather likes

Drusilla swayed as she approached the child in black. The little girl was playing in a graveyard. She turned to look at Drusilla. The little girl stood up slowly. “It was written in the stars that I would find you here. A day playing in the middle of the night. I have a present for you on the day the earth wears its heart out in the open.” She pulled out a guillotine from behind her back.

Wednesday took the guillotine and nodded at the vampire. “Thank you this is much appreciated. I will tell my grandmother you said hello.”


Valentine's Day #10
Title: Calligraphy
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Firefly
Challenge: #51 - the written word
Disclaimer: I don't own Angel or Inara
Summary: A Valentine's Day tradition

Inara glanced at her latest client. Something about him reminded her of Mal, yet he was much more refined. She had thoroughly enjoyed their love making. The man had skills beyond that taught to a companion. But afterward it was strange he had asked her to sit still so he could draw her. He said it was his tradition for Valentine’s Day. She agreed, though she did not know of this day. The drawing was breath taking and he had given it to her to keep. So she decided to do some calligraphy for him.

“What does it mean?”



Valentine's Day #11
Title: Three Questions
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Charmed
Challenge: #51 - the written word
Disclaimer: I don't own Paige or Xander
Summary: Sometimes the words will surprise you

“Oh crap!” Paige dropped the spell she was holding as a man appeared before her. “That wasn’t suppose to happen. I know the words were right. Piper’s going to kill me.”

“Can I ask you three questions and if the answer to them is no I’d like to propose something.” Paige nodded. “Are you planning to sacrifice me? Are you an evil demon? Do you have a boyfriend?” He said seriously.

Paige laughed, “No to all three.”

“Then may I propose since it’s Valentine’s Day that I take you out for diner?”

“Sure.” Paige held out her hand, “Paige.”



Valentine's Day #12
Title: The Prayer
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Star Trek
Challenge: #51 - the written word
Disclaimer: I don't own Q or Illyria
Summary: A brother's gift to his sister

Illyria looked at her little brother and cocked her head to the side, “Why does this concern you? Why would it hold any relevance to you?”

Q looked at his sister and sighed, “You need to work harder to understand mortals. They’re so entertaining. They get so worked up over it. It’s so important to them. You should know this.”

“Nothing remains of Fred but the shell.”

“Oh really? I have something for you.” He handed her a yellow withered page.

“It’s the prayer written to me by my most favored priest.”

Q kissed her cheek, “Happy Valentine’s Day sis.”


Valentine's Day #13
Title: Written In Dead Flowers
Word Count: 100
Fandom: X-men
Challenge: #51 - the written word
Disclaimer: I don't own Kit or Pyro
Summary: A goth Valentine's Day

“I don’t care that you hate Valentine’s Day. I thought of the perfect gift. So stop dragging your boots.” John said pulling his gothic girlfriend behind him.

“It’s just a dumb holiday thought up by card companies.” Kit paused as he stopped her in front of field of flowers. “Flowers? John eww.” John smirked and pulled out his lighter. He set a certain patch on fire. Suddenly the words Happy Valentine’s Day appeared in fire. Kit smiled, “Okay you’re right. Perfect gift.”

“It gets better.” He waved his hand. Now it was written in dead flowers. Kit kissed him soundly.


Valentine's Day #14
Title: Prophecy
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Harry Potter
Challenge: #51 - the written word
Disclaimer: I don't own Ethan, Ripper, Severus, Andromeda, or Narcissa
Summary: Ending on a Slytherin's Valentine's Day

“Ripper give me my book back.” Andromeda laughed.

“But there’s a prophecy in here. It says the son of the Watcher will fall for a daughter of Black and they will be together forever, once he kisses her on the day of hearts.” Ripper grinned.

“Does it?” Andromeda asked coyly.

“Please stop I’m about throw up here.” Severus said.

“You’re just angry cause you don’t have anyone to kiss.” Andromeda smirked.

“I can fix that.” Ethan said. Severus was about to protest when Narcissa was shoved into his lap. She smirked, before kissing him. “Told you I could fix that.”


Okay I think I'm done for this challenge

author: butterflyflame, challenge: 051, xover: multi

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