...Even though it happened neither recently, nor during any kind of cold season. But anyway, for posterity. And for anybody who wonders what the hick town I grew up in looks like. ^_~
04/07: Left early in the morning for good ol' Yuba City. Apparently this last year was the magic year - my siblings who had been more-or-less the same for my other visits had suddenly grown up.
For some reason Jet Blue (the awesomest airline evar, btw) made us WALK OUT TO THE PLANE, which made it so, so much scarier for some reason. Good thing I was reading a book about airships. We kicked it around the house. As a bonus for today, this:
...is the middle-of-nowhere pseudo-suburban street where I lived the largest chunk of my (fairly nomadic) young life. Woo, doesn't it look exciting? Well, it's exactly as exciting as it looks. Which is to say, NOT AT ALL.
04/08: My family! Well, most of it, anyway. Since my oldest-younger brother also works at a school, he was on Spring Break too, and using it to tour the western states with his band (Wearethekids, all one word, check them out on MySpace! ...No, seriously.) and doing other things way cooler than hanging out with his long-lost sister (=P). Apparently they were playing in Irvine the day before I came home - and came back to Sacramento mere HOURS after my plane left, haha. But, more power to him, my brother is amazing. I'm super excited at how well his band is doing<3 Even if he's too embarrassed to let us come see them.
The 'building' (and I use that term very, very loosely) that they're standing in front of is the World's Crappiest Landmark, Sutter's Hock Farm. Just so you can get a feel for how incredibly lame our landmark is:
Yes, it is a wall held up with sticks. The concrete block they've installed behind it (to help hold it up? Keep people from pushing it over? I have no idea) is new. And mysterious. O_o;;; I can't imagine how utterly disappointed a person must feel if they actually veer off from their destination to follow the signs that lead to this thing. Haha~
...I also took pictures of my siblings in their natural habitats (egads, the extra pictures! I'm so cheating...):
We went to Effie Yeaw and hiked around in "the nature" (oh, nature, how I missed you!), and ate delicious, delicious sandwiches and way too much dried mango (oh, dried mango~).
Quinn found a big stick to fend off the mountain lions, Rachel attracted butterflies, and we saw way more wildlife than you'd figure - deer, turkeys, and squirrels, oh my!
In the evening, my mom, my beloved Nii-san and my brother's girlfriend (standing in for my brother? Haha~ She's super super sweet, though) went to see I Love You, Man, which against all odds was really really cute. ANOTHER PICTURE (because I've already cheated so much on the picture-a-day rule that I might as well go all the way).
04/09: In vicious contrast to the day before, did...nothing. Although doing nothing was nice. Sat around, played Wii with the kids, sorted through a few really old boxes. Found some crazy stuff. CLOTH MAP OF BRITANNIA FTW. No one remembers Ultima Online but me. Long, long before the days of WoW, I was wasting my youth in the land you see before you. HAHA~
04/10: Drove out to Sutter to visit a farm where some family keeps their petting zoo on its off days.
They've got all kinds of craziness, from a "Z-Donk" (zebra/donkey thing, that's what Nii-san calls it) to a camel to these adorable little dwarf ponies. AND LLAMAS! Be still, my heart~<3 I took a lot of 'artsy' landscape pictures that I won't bore you with, haha.
Haha, best warning sign ever.
04/11: The flight home, already~ My mom and I went back to Effie Yeaw to pick up the purse that my sister forgot and then hung out in Sacramento until it was time for me to head to the actual airport. Old Sacramento is so pretty<3 It cries out for Steampunk pictures. Speaking of which, we got to see a group of historical reenactors all dolled up (and having lunch). Apparently each of them is 'playing' a real person who used to live in Sac, way back when. One of them gave me his card. Super awesome~ Like Dickens Fest all over again, haha^_^
If I had to pick a picture for today, it'd be this one:
...just because it was a cool thing to find. But the real highlight of the day (besides maybe a real-live-genuine statue of St. Patrick --- no lie, Shamrock and all --- at a real-life-honest-to-goodness cathedral...well, I think it's funny) was the SQUIRRELS.
They live at the capital, so they're really used to people. We brought them peanuts ---because we're terrible people, haha --- and they got ridiculously close, especially after we'd been sitting there a while.
Ah, so relaxing~ Just lying in the grass, communing with the squirrels. Haha~<3
After that, had to jet on home! A volleyball team was playing badminton over the seats while they waited for their plane - rather epic.
Halfway there, my earplug things decided to stop working, which meant incredible, incredible pain - all while listening to some jerk across the row argue theology with his poor neighbor and talk about how much he hates gay people. e_e;
But the view from the plane was super pretty, and the seat next to me was empty, so I had a place to put all my crap. So~ Not a total loss^^;
We landed nice and early - whew~! And that about wraps it up!
...Wish me luck, I'm off to swallow my pride and ask for a job at Sbux. BECAUSE I CAN'T TAKE ANY MORE UNEMPLOYMENT, I WILL GO CRAZEH~ @_x;;;