I have internets again! yayy
Happy belated holidays everyone! I celebrated by making lots and lots of cookies and also crescent rolls. I love crescent rolls, it is a good thing I don't have an oven in my own place because I would make far too many crescent rolls and spoil their holiday specialness.
Also, I wrote fic!
Title: Certain
Pairing: Nakai/Tsuyoshi
Rating: G
Note: Based on the Mt. Fuji batsu game Nakai and Tsuyoshi did together in 1998.
Nakai doesn't fall in love easily.
He's sometimes envied his bandmates because of this. Kimura falls in love suddenly and passionately, Goro still gets giggly crushes, Shingo falls for passing strangers on the street. Tsuyoshi, perhaps, is the most like Nakai-- he can't jump into things with the same abandon as the others. He has to hesitate, to test the waters and make sure the other side feels the same way.
Nakai can hesitate for years. He has to be certain how the other side feels, and he has to be certain how he feels. If he goes into things still doubting himself, it'll fall apart-- he'll push whoever it is away before either of them can really get a footing.
But when he's certain, whether he wants to be or not, he's certain.
He'd said it out loud, through a mouthful of rice, and Tsuyoshi had accepted it without batting an eye. It had to have been the altitude, the lack of oxygen, but something in his chest had flooded over in that instant and he'd found himself grinning, the surrounding cameras and long climb ahead momentarily forgotten. He remembered thinking, further up the mountain with his head resting on his bandmate's lap, that Tsuyoshi really was the nicest person he knew-- he'd brought food for both of them, he was patient enough to put up with Nakai's stupid jokes, he'd let Nakai plop himself down in his lap like this when he was just as cold and tired and miserable as everyone else.
Tsuyoshi looked down at him, smiling faintly through exhaustion. "Comfortable?"
Nakai had no choice but to finally admit it to himself. He'd fallen in love.