(no subject)

Dec 09, 2015 16:52

Made a small update to VV over the weekend, couple teasers as usual!

In other news, Oh god, what is Neko Atsume and why don't I have it? D: Also the animated intestines creature on the xifaxan commercial is quite cute. I like how he runs off clutching his intestine backside when he has diarrhea. Drug advertising is weird. And honestly things have been a bit miserable lately. The world is getting scary, but it already was scary, too. The news is full of facepalms, the weather is bleak and wet (shitty for painting) and I'm going through some things. Just trying to keep living for now, helping others when I can and remembering the happystuffs (here goes).

So my sweetie's birthday was a sweet one, I think :D R worked that day, but his me-present (several big lego sets he's been eyeing, Baraka on blu-ray and a Star Wars artbook preorder) was waiting when he got home, and at his parents' his mama made albondigas and we had a nice family dinner and some nummy cheesecake, and he had some time for relaxation and play ^^ His sweet sis got him the little BB-8 droid (the cooler version)! And he also got some other clothes, commodites, and bday monies (some of which he spent on the X-com board game XD). I'm a bit afraid he's starting to become a bit too work-minded like his father (often times too tired to do much else) so I really wanted to give him some license for leisure.

That Saturday was another 'R-day', sponsored by his sis and myself, which included yummy drinks at Plentea and dinner at 5a5 Steakhouse, a fairly high end place (Japanese-inspired), so he could get some prime rib (yes we were all intrigued mightily by the wagyu selections; alas, none of us are in the "$550 steak tasting sounds reasonable" bracket. He's made it a goal for someday, though). Their Kawaii Syndrome (eyeroll-y name notwithstanding), Tokimonsta and Sazerac were all delicious, as were the kimchi butter edamame, sea bass and mac and cheese with candied bacon (NOM). The waiter brought him a birthday dessert unbidden after peeping his driver's license; awesome (and tipped as such) ^^ And we ended that night with ice cream and John Mulaney's Netflix special (If I haven't mentioned it, Anthony Jeselnik's recent one was awesome as well).

That Sunday we went down to the Dickens Christmas Fair, which he loves! I don't have much Dickensian wardrobe but threw something together with the scarf I'd bought there last year and shored it up with a little dupioni waist cincher thingie from one of their shops ^^ Next year I'll do something with my ball skirt, if I remember. The new curried lamb pie was yummy, as were the usuals, cider, eggnog, sweet nuts (though the lady sold us cold ones right before pouring out a fresh hot batch, grr) and other dainties and savories. I'm not into coffee but their Turkish coffee was damn good. Next year I should remember to try the various puddings :P We explored and windowshopped and laughed at stuff, saw a few performances (I like that whole dancing with the sticks and swords thing the lads do), and finally were able to catch the saucy postcard show we always come too late to get into. Very pretty vignettes, boobies and all! The poor actors flubbed some choice lines (once having to be stopped and reprompted by the pianist) but played it off pretty well. I quite enjoyed it all.

Thanksgiving, the next week, was lovely - a half day of work and then a trip to Concord to sup with R's uncle's family. His cousin put a lot of effort into the dinner (maybe 12-15 ppl) and also brought some delicious homemade caramel apple moonshine :3 and it was wonderful to see his other cousin, visiting from SoCal, too - apparently she's got a new guy in a steampunk metal band :P And his other other cousin from Mexico who is like the pale palette version of him :P Lots of chatting and catchup, and we all nommed on a pretty home-baked pumpkin pie with little crust pumpkins and leafies courtesy of R's sis, and played Mexican Train dominoes, a pretty fast and fun game ^^ I wonder if I should get it for home...

That weekend we didn't do any official shopping (my understanding being that there is black-friday specific manufacturing, giving you a crappier product for your perceived savings, on top of the scary consumer expectations), but we did go see The Good Dinosaur, Pixar's latest (which I'll review separately to keep this post in check). I don't care what critics and naysayers are posting about it being a 'weaker offering,' that shit was delightful. We also went to the etsy holiday emporium (NOT worth the gigantic hipster line and the 20-min lyft rides between our car downtown and the parking-void pier 35); very similar to renegade craft fair with most of the same people, and a bit gloomier - good savory bacon/cheese stroopwaffel and bacon cookie though). I saw some nummy looking white chocolate/orange candy stirring spoons at Dembones' table but they sold out before I could get one, but at least one person in our group got some gifts bought ^^. Got food (and candy!) that evening at IKEA of all places. I got gifted a dolly lolly ^^

Then last weekend we went on some errands/gift seeking, and at The Counter in San Mateo I got me a pretty awesome custom burger - beef, cheddar, korean bbq sauce, baby spinach, cranberries, bacon and hard boiled egg. Don't knock until tried! Then Sunday was R's dad's bday celebration, but we spent most of it driving to Sebastopol for his colleague's get-together. I feel he got short changed, but he did get lunch from La Taqueria (their carne asada is textbook awesome), and to see his friends and hear some live bluegrass jamming. We came back and gave him cake and presents, then went home and watched the super awesome Leftovers finale. Please get renewed! This guy's review shares a lot of my views on it and why its contribution to the tv atmosphere is important.

Aaand Monday, after a fairly Bad Day, R soothed me with soft bread and and the last 2 Mad Max movies (Thunderdome and Fury Road again). Quite a ride. Will comment on separately so I can wrap this up. Fun to come - more Shadowrun, Star wars campout, and possible huge public lightsaber battle at Embarcadero XD I gotta get a Sithy outfit together.


photography, dolls, vitta-vera, personal, movies, food

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