[FIC] Always Keep the Faith

Oct 09, 2009 22:01

Title: Always Keep the Faith
Fandom: DBSK
Rating: Gen
Genre: Gen
Pairing(s): Slight JaeChun
Disclaimer: I claim no ownership.
Note: Not exactly canonally correct but it's molded to best fit the story.
Betaed by the wonderful nakasty~

Always Keep the Faith

They've spoken about this, about getting tattoos. It’s Jaejoong who takes action. One night, he makes his way to a tattoo parlor where he meets the tattooist, JP. He walks in, knowing what he wants, “TVfXQ SOUL” because he knows he won’t regret this. He knows because his soul is forever TVfXQ’s and he loves his members too much to give it up.

(but mostly because he knows-wishes TVfXQ will not just stay a dream-that TVfXQ will remain forever and ever and ever and--)

JP and Jaejoong talk. They discuss the design and within hours, Jaejoong is ready. He lies on his stomach, ready for the needle…

Jaejoong waddles back to the apartment, back aching as an aftermath of his new tattoo. It is late but he comes home to his family watching a movie. They welcome him, questions-(Junsu’s high pitched voice chatters “where’d you go, hyung?”-Yunho’s worrying question, “did you eat?”-Changmin’s nonchalant) but it’s Yoochun who gets up and spins Jaejoong around (and around and around) and lifts his shirt and asks how was it.

That night, as Yoochun falls asleep, Jaejoong crawls into Yoochun’s bed. This jolts Yoochun awake but Yoochun doesn’t mind as Jaejoong takes his time getting himself comfortable in Yoochun’s arms. The two of them get as close as possible and Yoochun’s finger traces over the letters on Jaejoong’s back, murmuring, whispering the letters of “TVfXQ” over and over and over again.

Yoochun wants one like Jaejoong’s. Except, he decides, instead of “SOUL”, it’ll be “MATE” and this way, he teases Jaejoong, they can be soul mates. Jaejoong laughs-but he hopes Yoochun is serious, that he really will get a matching tattoo that makes it so that they are soul mates.

Jaejoong accompanies Yoochun to the parlor and JP is there again. They spend the morning discussing the elements and design of Yoochun’s tattoo and weeks later, they finally find the time to do it.

The needle isn’t new to Yoochun but he still grips Jaejoong’s hand as JP starts drawing. By the time they finish, Yoochun feels bad and treats Jaejoong to some ramen.

(He accepts.)

Jaejoong later decides he wants to fly, wants to go up and up and up-high enough to touch the sky, run his hands through the clouds, and kiss his dreams.

Yoochun takes him to the same parlor. This time, Yoochun sits with him and returns the favor as Jaejoong squeezes and squeezes his hand-squeezes it until Yoochun is sure he wouldn’t be able to feel it for hours to come.

They return when it is far past late, close enough to be nearly dawn. Still, the both of them find themselves in their beds…

It doesn’t take long for Yoochun to climb into Jaejoong’s bed. Yoochun faces Jaejoong’s back but Jaejoong doesn’t move-Yoochun’s okay with that. This way, he can see Jaejoong’s wings… (he traces his fingers over them, imagining that they are light, feathery-real)

The both of them fall asleep like that (Jaejoong doesn’t mind-he’s happy-happy that Yoochun is with him and he never wants to let this go…all of it).

They’re under pressure. Jaejoong cooks and cooks and cooks and he only cooks and cooks and cooks whenever he’s upset or anxious. Yoochun locks himself in the room they share, trying to sing and sing and remind himself why he loves singing. Changmin and Yunho are both off doing their drama while Junsu is out with a friend.

Despite this, they all know that the lawsuit hanging above their heads wouldn’t be pretty.

It’s a consensus-between the two of them-soul mates. They both agree with get matching tattoos-the same ones. Not like the “SOUL” and “MATE” ones they share, but the exact same, same font, same design, and same place.
The design is simple. Words, in a clear font. JP likes it-none of them really have much to argue about, have much to talk about because the message the tattoo conveys is clear.

They sit together and Jaejoong goes first. Left, just above the heart (because TVfXQ will always be close to his heart no matter what) and Yoochun takes his hand and runs his thumb over and over again while JP does his thing.

It doesn’t take long-Yoochun is next and Jaejoong returns the favor, rubbing his own thumb over Yoochun’s.
They arrive home to an empty apartment, hands entwined. Still, it’s late and the both of them drift off to sleep within moments of falling a top their beds. It is hours later when Yoochun shakes Jaejoong awake, whispers that the others were home and let’s go sneak into Yunho’s bed. Jaejoong’s vision is blurry because truthfully, he can’t really see and needs his glasses or contacts but he can make out Junsu, awake, and trying to keep Changmin awake so they can launch their sneak attack.

The four of them creep into their leader’s bed and Leader-shii is a deep sleeper despite his weird position. They climb onto the bed and sprawl onto various spots, on and around the sleeping leader.

Yoochun and Jaejoong end up face to face and they smile at each other. Yoochun reaches out, minutes later when he’s sure everyone else is asleep, and his fingers ghost over Jaejoong’s skin, on his left, right above his heart, right where the new tattoo rests.

He whispers, when he’s sure no one is there to hear him, “Always keep the faith” and thinks that the Cassies are such wonderful, wonderful people to keep believing, keep on hoping-

Jaejoong stirs, his eyes open slightly, and his own fingers follow the script on Yoochun’s chest, right above the heart, on the left. And in his best English, he answers:

“Always keep the faith”

With assurance (because he believes, he believes that the five of them will stay together forever and ever and that they’ll grow up, get married, and still live together, and share their kids, and they’ll be uncles to each)

And Yoochun understands.

dbsk, fanfic, jaechun

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