[Fic Update] Black Dream

Mar 31, 2007 14:14

Title: Black Dream
Author: Winter's Light/Eternal Snow/ tsumetaitsubasa
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Shonen ai, OOCness
Summary: [Ryo-centric] How far will he be buried in his dreams until someone pulls him out?
Disclaimer: I do not own Prince of Tennis.
Previous chapters:Chapter One | Side Story I: Echizen | Chapter Two | Chapter Three

Special thanks to Sango Hikari for beta-ing!
Black Dream

Disclaimer: I do not own Prince of Tennis.

Chapter 4:

Well, Echizen thought to himself as he draped the cloak over and attempted to make his hair flatter, the start of the day wasn’t too bad.

When he awoke to loud singing (which he later found out it was a couple of sprites next to the tent), he had been immediately pounced on and told to make himself look neater and more presentable for the meeting with the Long Prince. They would arrive there by sunset.

It suddenly reminded him of how Kikumaru-senpai would tease his untidy raven hair.

So here he was, now walking to the Land of Long. He was glad he still had his tennis shoes - it was much more comfortable looking than those Kikumaru and Momoshiro had - and that the cloak covered the wings as well as his shoes

“Nya! It’s so nice today!” Kikumaru commented as he stretched his arms out, letting a yawn escape.

Echizen suddenly felt homesick and resisted the urge to find a racket to hit the ball around. How long had he been here now? He hadn’t played tennis since he had gotten sick. He felt envy for his teammates, at least they could still play.

“Ochibi-chan nya! Whatcha thinking about?” Kikumaru’s voice interrupted Echizen’s train of thoughts.

Echizen sighed and in a low whisper, he admitted, “I’m a bit…homesick, that’s all…”

Kikumaru nodded in understanding, and also in a low whisper, said, “I understand, nya… But we’ll get you home soon!”

Echizen looked up. “You told Oishi-senpai and Momo-senpai?” he asked, looking suspicious, “I thought you said you weren’t going to tell anyone!”

“Nya! I only told Oishii! He asked me what was wrong ‘cause he knows me and could tell that I was troubled… so I told him everything!” Kikumaru explained, hair drooping and looking a bit ashamed.

He sighed. That was just like the Golden Pair - and Kikumaru-senpai… Couldn’t keep his mouth shut… “It’s alright…I guess… but…” Echizen just knew Oishi wouldn’t keep it to himself any longer. “I’m afraid Momo-senpai will know…”

“Ah… nya… Well, then… You won’t have to keep it from us any longer!” Kikumaru told him. Echizen nodded.

“I know.”

The sun had began to set and the vibrant red hue mixed with orange and yellow were a contrast to the dark blue, black and midnight colors of the sky. The sun was setting.

“Nya! We’re here!” Kikumaru exclaimed as they walked through the busy parts of the country, avoiding bumping into random strangers.

“Yep! Just a bit north and we’ll be at the castle!” Oishi proclaimed as Momoshiro and Echizen kept silent. “Eh?” Oishi blinked. “What’s wrong with you two?”

“Ah? We were just thinking!” Momoshiro said cheerfully, rubbing the back of his neck and smiling. The sword around his waist followed his movement.

Echizen only grumbled and cross his arms.

“Eh? Is the little child getting too tired?” Momoshiro teased as they started the path towards the castle.

“Shut up,” Echizen answered, clearly in the “I’m-not-in-the-mood-for-jokes-so-piss-off!” mood from who knows what.

“He’s PMSing!” Momoshiro declared, laughing at the now flustered boy.

“I am not! I’m a guy!” he protested, flushed from anger and embarrassment.

“Ehhh?! Ochibi-chan is actually a girl?! No way, nya!” Kikumaru yelled, looking thoroughly surprised at the new “revelation”. It looked as if he really believed Momoshiro.

“I’m a GUY!” Echizen shouted, now turning his anger towards the hyper cat-like male.

“Shush you three, we’re here.” Oishi’s calm voice broke through and stopped the jokes with one sentence.

There they were, in front of the large wooden gates leading inside the magnificent castle.

Two guards in armor appeared in front of the gate.



Seemed like they were twins… Echizen thought nervously.

“Oishi Syuichiro - here to see Prince Tezuka with friends.”

The two guards looked at each other, recognizing the name. “We believe he’s been expecting you lot,” the two twins chorused, letting them in. Surely they would know better than to attack the prince.

Echizen took a deep breath and the four of them walked through the gates.


Two more guards appeared along with a maid and a servant, to keep in check with the newcomers.

They walked down the stairs and soon Prince Tezuka met them. His features were the same - unruly brown hair highlighted with a yellow-color and the same hazel eyes under the thin-framed glasses. The only difference was his choice of clothing.

Tezuka Kunimitsu would never wear such a thing and yet here he was, wearing the royal robes.

“Oishi,” the stoic prince greeted, “Kikumaru, my friend has told me about you.”

“Nya! I’m Kikumaru Eiji, that’s right,” he agreed with the prince.

Oishi gave a warning look.

Kikumaru noticed and seemed to deflate a bit. “…Your Majesty nya…”

“And…they are?” Tezuka raised an eyebrow inquiring the extra guests, ignoring the use of formal address.

“Oh!” Oishi realized and remembered them. “Momoshiro Takeshi-” he said, gesturing towards the taller of the two.

“Just Momo is fine, Your Majesty,” Momoshiro suggested with a smile.

“-and Echizen Ryoma - he’s the one who needs your help, Tezuka,” Oishi continued as Echizen gave his “captain” a nod.

If Oishi realized Echizen was being very impolite to the prince, he didn’t say anything.

“Ah… Come along - guards, stay. You too, Andreas, Suki…”

The guards cast worried looks when their prince told them to leave him alone…with these people? They hardly knew them…

“It’s fine. I trust Oishi and if he trusts those two, then I do too…” he answered as he led the four of them into a private room.

“Thank you, Tezuka.”


They followed the prince of Long into a large room - curtains draped over the decorated windows; a large bed, thing curtains draped over the bed, covering the would-be occupant from view; a desk and a couple of chairs inside the room.

“Now…” he started, sitting himself on the bed, “What is it you need?” he directed the question at Echizen.

“Please sit,” Tezuka told them. They sat on the empty chairs.

“I…I fell asleep and I woke up here,” Echizen briefly explained, getting right to the point, “This isn’t my world.”

Immediately, it seemed as if Tezuka knew what was happening. “I see… Go to the country of Safaia - wake the Prince up and he’ll know what to do next,” Tezuka told him as Kikumaru’s eyes bulged.

“Wait nya! Ochibi-chan can’t do that! Anyone who gets even close to the sleeping prince suddenly collapses and never wakes up - just like the prince himself!” Kikumaru exclaimed, looking deeply worried about their little “freshmen”.

“He’ll make it,” Tezuka answered firmly.

“But--! Your Majesty!” Kikumaru protested as both Oishi and Echizen pulled him back.

“I can do it. I trust him,” Echizen answered, gold, cat-like eyes flaring up with determination.

“If Tezuka says he can do it, he can,” Oishi told his companion.

Momoshiro stayed quiet as if in deep thought.

Kikumaru’s bottom lip trembled, but he turned away, giving in.

“We could go with him, right?” Momoshiro spoke up for the first time in the room.

Tezuka nodded. “Of course, but he will have to be alone when he goes to wake the prince.”

Momoshiro nodded.

“Now, it’s time you rest up for the night. Stay a while. We’ll bring you food in the morning. Then you can leave - of course, Echizen, stay a moment? The rest of you could go left. The guards will tell you your rooms,” Tezuka said and motioned for Echizen to stay.

Echizen didn’t know whether or not to gawk at his “captain” for saying so much at once.

The three oldest filed out, leaving the youngest.

“What is it Tezuka-buchou?” Echizen asked, then immediately covered his mouth at the slip.

Tezuka’s lips curved upwards just slightly in amusement.

“I have something to give you…” he took out a small necklace - a piece of jade on thin red strong. “Put it on the prince’s neck and here…” he took out another one, “…this is for you. Put it on.”

Echizen did so, remembering that Oishi had used it for good luck charms in his world.

“What about you?” Echizen asked. Tezuka’s lips curved up into what would have been a smile and tugged his collar down to show the necklace.

“I have mine…” He pulled out six more. “You’ll know when and who to give these to. I assume you already know three…” Tezuka continued as he handed Echizen the six necklaces. Echizen smirked.

“Now go to sleep. You’ll need it,” Tezuka told him as he left the room.

Echizen tried to follow but Tezuka held out a hand - palm facing Echizen.

“You’re staying here…”

He disappeared.


Fuji walked - no - rather stormed home, carrying his bag, bumping into it on accident from time to time.

He was calm…but afraid… afraid for the team’s youngest regular - Echizen Ryoma.

He was glad when he came home to an empty house. That way, he would be able to have time to himself. He walked straight to his room and threw himself on the bed - an arm over his eyes.

He sighed. Stress from practice and exams would be coming up but he was already stressed over the sudden comatose of his - their freshmen.

Why had it happened? What cause it? Being a brother to a psychic sister made him wonder about the other worldly.

Especially if Echizen was kidnapped into another world…

Fuji got up and walked over to his drawer, taking out a necklace - thin, red string with a piece of fade. Somehow it felt like he needed to put it on… He placed it around his neck.

“Hm… wonder when I’ll get home…?”

Fuji jumped at the sound of Echizen’s voice in his ears. Was he hallucinating or…

“Why am I here anyways?”

There it was again. Fuji frowned and wondered if he was going insane.A thought occurred to Fuji and he closed his eyes, breathing deeply and slowly. If he could hear Echizen - wherever he was - could he also hear Fuji?

Echizen? Can you hear me? It’s Fuji… he thought and willed the other boy to answer.

There was silence and Fuji let out the breath that he had unintentionally been holding. Maybe he really was hallucinating… He thought as he lied in bed, falling asleep.

Fuji-senpai?! Is that you?

Too bad he never heard.


Echizen Ryoma quickly put on his silver cloak as he tried to get the dream out of his head. He had dreamt that he spoke to Fuji-senpai - in his world and Fuji answered. He shook his head. He was stuck here and would have to focus on finding a way out.

“Echizen-sama?” Breakfast is ready,” a maid called from outside the door, giving a knock.

Echizen flinched at being called so formally. “Ah!” he answered, a bit startled. Echizen quickly finished up and exited the room, starting to feel as if someone was watching him. He looked back just to be sure - there was no one. He shrugged and continued his way.

Once he reached the dining room (he didn’t know how exactly he remembered the way), he was greeted by an “Echizen!” and “Ochibi-chan!” and his vision was obscured by a head of red hair.

“Ah! Kikumaru-senpai!” Echizen yelped in surprise as his air supply was being squeezed out of him.

“E-Eiji!” Oishi’s worried voice came and Echizen found his vision cleared. Kikumaru had gotten off him and was grinning from ear-to-ear.

“Seems like Echizen is late again - overslept?” The prince walked up to the shouting group with a bemused expression. “Would you like to run laps?”

The three stared at the prince as if he had gone mad.

Even Momoshiro - who had been busy stuffing his mouth with chicken and fowls - had taken up gawking.

“B-Buchou?” Echizen asked, looking stunned. This couldn’t be his captain, what would he be doing here? He couldn’t run in these even if he wanted to…

“Twenty laps.”

Even the maids and servants had stopped and gape at their prince.

“P-Prince Tezuka?” one of the maids who had been crushing on him whimpered as she dropped the empty tray. Her eyes watered.

Echizen blinked, “Where?” he asked. Surely he couldn’t run around the dining table, but there was no other place…

Tezuka opened his mouth to reply but stopped and his eyes glazed over for a second before he blinked once and said, “I was kidding…”

There were gaping and open jaws everywhere. Since when did the prince have a sense of humor?

For a second, Echizen really thought that that had been Tezuka Kunimitsu, the captain of Seigaku Tennis Club, not the prince.

What was happening?


Meanwhile, Tezuka Kunimitsu woke up scratching his head in confusion. Though his face did not show it, he was deeply amused by his dream. It was the weirdest thing!

He had dreamt that he woke up as a prince. Servants and maids flocked around him, fawning over his hair and said that his aura was just as regal as yesterday if not more so. He felt amused by that comment; since when was he a prince?

Next he had been led to a room - which seemed to be the dining room - as there was a large table filled with many dishes and several chairs. He recognized Momoshiro sitting in one and stuffing his mouth - as usual. Again, amusing.

“Momoshiro,” he had greeted in usual stoic voice with his stern expression on.

“Eh?” he looked up, downing a piece of fowl with tea, “Didn’t I tell you to just call me Momo?” he asked, grinning.

Tezuka raised an eyebrow. Momoshiro had told him that the day after they met. Now it was about a year past it - almost two and Momoshiro had reverted back to asking that?

He had totally forgotten that it was a dream.

So Tezuka ignored him and sat down whilst Momoshiro shrugged and continued to stuff his mouth.

Oishi and Kikumaru appeared together, both chatting happily. Well, it sounded as if Kikumaru was joking about something serious. He gave a nod to the Golden Pair as they entered. “Oishi, Kikumaru.”

“Prince Tezuka, good morning!” Kikumaru shouted gleefully while “hopping” over to Tezuka. “How’s the prince this morning?”

Many maids and servants bristled at Kikumaru’s act of familiarity to the prince but said nothing.

“Kikumaru,” Tezuka started, noticing that the cat-like doubles player had slung an arm around his neck, “please kindly remove your arm.”

“Unya! Sorry! I didn’t mean it!” he shouted, quickly releasing him as if he had burnt his hand. His eyes widened and a smirk flew to his face, sneaky - as if he had spotted something good.

He had. “Ochibi-chan!” he shouted and launched himself on the shorter and half-asleep boy.

“Ah! Kikumaru-senpai!” the raven-haired boy had shouted.

“E-Eiji!” Oishi spoke up for the first time. Tezuka saw that he was still the same “motherly” vice captain.

Kikumaru got off the “freshmen” and let him take deep breaths; Kikumaru grinned innocently.

“Seems like Echizen is late again - overslept?” Tezuka asked, deciding that the boy should run laps. He noticed a few confused stares. What? Did he do something wrong?

“Would you like to run laps?”

Echizen blinked; Tezuka thought he looked very much unlike the snarky and arrogant first year. The captain then noticed that Momoshiro had stopped stuffing his mouth to stare at the otherworldly captain.

“B-Buchou?” Echizen finally stuttered. About time! But why did he seem so surprise?

“Twenty laps,” escaped his lips.

Great, why was everyone gaping at him? A maid came forward. “P-Prince Tezuka?” He blinked and recognized her as a fan club member. What was she doing here?

“Where?” came Echizen’s answer. Tezuka looked around and was about to reply when things started to become hazy…

Next thing he knew, he had woken up.

He sighed, shaking his head and decided to forget about it… Though it was nice to see their freshmen awake and talking…


The maids and servants kept glancing at their prince worriedly as the day went through. Tezuka had already had extra materials (shields and such) for the group so they could hurry and wake the prince of Safaia.

“Don’t let your guard down,” Tezuka said, quoting his favorite phrase to the group as they nodded and headed off.

“Don’t let your guard down”? Echizen thought, amused at the face that this world’s Tezuka had the same favorite phrase as his captain.


It was eerily quiet when they reached the southern side of the country. Nearly midnight, cold and windy, the group of four decided to stop for the night and start again at dawn.

The four “tennis players” struggled to set up the tent despite the wind, and soon, they were all chattering and stumbling into the welcoming warmth of the tent.

“Nya! Why is it so cold?” Kikumaru asked to no one in particular as he cross his arms across his chest in an attempt to warm himself. Oishi gave Kikumaru a sympathetic glance while Momoshiro and Echizen stared blankly at the hyper youth.

They split up into pairs and crawled into their separate “rooms” (Oishi cast a spell on it; it was bigger inside than it looked outside). Soon, Echizen found himself lying in the “bed” and listening to the two other’s snoring.

“Momo-senpai,” he called out, knowing fully well that Momoshiro was only pretending to sleep.

“Aww… You knew?” Momoshiro’s teasing voice asked, amused.

“You know about me don’t you? Oishi-senpai told you?” Echizen’s accusing voice asked.

There was a silence.

“…yeah… I…I knew something was…off about you when I first met you,” Momoshiro started, looking a bit far-off.

“Good…” Echizen started. “Then here…” Echizen extended a hand, grasping onto the necklace, and said, “Wear it. After I’m gone, you can take it off.”

Momoshiro blinked in confusion. In the darkness, he couldn’t tell what it was but… It was in the shape of a necklace. He shrugged inwardly, “Thanks?” and took it, putting it in his pocket.

Telling himself that he would put it on later, he murmured a “good night” and both fell asleep.


The winds were harsh as the group of four pushed their way towards the center of the country - where the castle was located.

Momoshiro blinked as dust blew up to meet his eyes while Kikumaru had on a large hat to cover his head. It seemed to work effectively too. How did he know of this technique anyways?

Echizen frowned at the situation. At this rate, he wouldn’t be able to wake up for a while… This was going to be harder than he had previously thought. Mixed in his thoughts, Echizen absentmindedly grabbed onto his jade necklace, clutching it tightly.

Kikumaru sniffed, his eyes caught the sudden movement. “Nya, Ochibi-chan, what’s wrong?” he asked, good-naturedly.

“Nothing…” Echizen muttered and shook his head.

“Come on, you two are lagging behind,” Oishi’s voice was heard from over the harsh winds. “We’re almost here!” he added as the two shorter males caught up.

“Oishi-san! You’re wrong!” Momoshiro yelled, “We’re here!”

The other three males stopped behind the food-loving swordsman, gazing up at the tall, cream-colored castle, decorated with vines.

Oishi’s eyes bugged out; Kikumaru only let out a gasp and Echizen softly whispered:

“We’re here…”

-end chapter 4-

Author’s Note: I’ve been very busy and procrastinating. Anyways, hope you enjoyed it. A few things:

Did Momoshiro not know about Echizen’s being?

He knows that Echizen is a strange lil’ brat that’s a bit off. He hadn’t known that he was from another world until Oishi told him before going to Tezuka’s.

The twin guards haven’t been decided as to which Prince of Tennis characters they will be. You can choose! The only pair of twins you can’t choose from are the Kisarazu twins. Sorry!

‘Bout the thing with Tezuka sleeping and Echizen: Fantasy!Tezuka was taken over by Seigaku!Tezuka, understand? It was ‘cause he was sleeping. Echizen almost recognized it. I also decided to bring back those good luck charm things Oishi had given out and reverted them into necklaces.

Things will slowly unfold. I hoped you liked this chapter. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! I’d also love to hear what you think of this chapter, your thoughts and/or comments.

Thank you!

fanfic, tenipuri, prince of tennis

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