[Fic Update] Black Dream

Mar 16, 2007 21:52

Title: Black Dream
Author: Winter's Light/Eternal Snow/ tsumetaitsubasa
Characters Used:
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Shonen ai, OOCness
Summary: [Ryo-centric] How far will he be buried in his dreams until someone pulls him out?
Disclaimer: I do not own Prince of Tennis.
Previous chapters:Chapter One | Side Story I: Echizen | Chapter Two

Black Dream

Disclaimer: I do not own Prince of Tennis.

Chapter 3:

Momoshiro Takeshi quickly buttoned his polo white uniform and tugged on the black jacket. Eyes narrowing and a frown plastered on his face, he thought back to the dream he had last night.

It was strange… When he saw Eiji-senpai, Oishi-senpai, Ryuuzaki-sensei… They were looking at him as if he was another person… However, when he noticed Echizen.

He was the same as when he was awake. The same smirking, snarky little first year brat. The same old Echizen from before that day, about a week ago…

Momoshiro sighed and slung his tennis bag over his shoulder and left to wait at the school gates for his teammates. They were going to visit their comatose freshmen.

“’Bout time Peach,” Kaidou Kaoru snarled as Momoshiro made his way towards the gates, now noticing that the rest of his teammates were there already.

“Momoshiro…” his teammates greeted as Momoshiro nodded in acknowledgment and ignoring Kaidou’s baiting.

Only Kaidou and Inui had noticed that Momoshiro was oblivious to Kaidou’s baiting - that worried the both of them (Not like Kaidou would ever admit it though).

“Alright, let’s go,” Tezuka said and then the seven other regulars followed him. Fuji - without his usual smile but instead, a frown plastered on his face, Kawamura - the same meek boy was blinking furiously while Oishi was lost in his thoughts on scolding their freshmen regular when he woke up again; Kikumaru was twitching nervously - almost like a nervous cat while the last three kept their mouth shut.

The tip to the hospital was silent, only a couple of questions were passed along the way seeing as this would be the first time they would get to see Echizen since had had been comatose… His parents had been visiting everyday…

Oishi closed his eyes slowly, spacing out, lately he had been having strange dreams - one where he was in a fantasy land - sometimes all he would see were flurries of black feathers…

Strange… He thought, but he had to get to the bottom of this.


They soon arrived at the hospital and were already crowding around in Echizen’s hospital room.

“Ah, it’s you guys…” Echizen Nanjirou commented, looking up from his sitting position next to the bed. The team chorused greetings and Tezuka nodded in acknowledgment. He stood up, the same monk robes on and started to head towards the door.

“I’ll leave you guys be…” he told them. Rinko looked back with a worried glance, but smiled and, too, left.

Oishi stared after the parents. They must be having a hard time… He thought, turning to stare at his sleeping form.

Strange, Echizen looked perfectly fine. The fever had gone done and his body was in perfect condition, Inui recalled what the doctors had said. He could be awake any day except for one fact.

It was almost as if Echizen’s body was currently soulless or something, the nurse explained one time. As if he was somewhere else mentally but physically there…

Inui frowned and scribbled in more notes about the current situation.

How illogical…

“Nya, Ochibi-chan looks so cute sleeping,” Kikumaru commented as he gave the sleeping freshmen a small, light tap on the nose.

Kikumaru was right. No matter how you looked at the freshmen’s face, you’d only think that he was sleeping…. And that you’d never think he was so arrogant when he was awake.

Inui looked up from his notebook and over to Momoshiro who had been strangely quiet. The rest fell quiet at Kikumaru’s words. Things might not even be the same after he wakes…

“Um… I’m going to talk to the doctor, does anyone want to come?” Oishi broke the silence with a hoarse whisper-like volume. Tezuka nodded and stepped forward.

“I’ll go.”

Fuji smiled, “I’m going to go check something,” and soon everyone were incline to leave the room except for Momoshiro - who stood still at Echizen’s bed staring quietly - and Kaidou - who kept sneaking worried glances at the said Peach.

“Then it’s settled,” Inui spoke up, “Kaidou and Momoshiro will be staying.”

Momoshiro only nodded while the others looked startled - fear of leaving the two second years behind only to find them fighting again.

“It’ll be fine,” Fuji said and they left.

Inui only hoped that they wouldn’t break into fighting - however there was only a 33 percent of that now…


There was an awkward silence between the three of them - one of which was sleeping and the other two stood there, watching.

“Why aren’t you shouting?” Kaidou asked, breaking the silence between the two rivals. There was more silence before Momoshiro found himself telling his rival about it - the dream.

“I… had a dream where I woke up and I… I saw Sumire-chan, Oishi-senpai, Eiji-senpai and… Ryoma… He looked alright but…. It was like I knew him and I didn’t know him,” Momoshiro answered croakily, somehow it seemed really silly to tell hi rival about his dream.

‘Cause well, dreams were dreams but it could mean anything.

Kaidou let out a faint hiss and replied, “You shouldn’t call her that… But… I… I’ve been having fantasy dreams too…” he admitted, somehow knowing what his rival was talking about.

Momoshiro looked up and over at Kaidou, eyes widening in surprise. Could there be a clue?

…as if he’s soulless…

A clue to why he was like that? To why he couldn’t wake up even though his body was perfectly fine.

“I think we’ve found out why he’s ‘soulless’…” Fuji’s voice interrupted the two’s conversation as he stepped into the room, alone with a serious expression on.

Momoshiro and Kaidou stared at their senpai with identical surprised expressions.

“What are you talking about Fuji-senpai?”


Echizen groaned as the sun beamed onto his face. He was used to waking to Karupin’s pestering, not the sun itself… He quickly rubbed his eyes and gathered his things to get ready for the trip to the country of Long before Kikumaru could come in and tackle him.

Last night had been a nightmare. He couldn’t sleep like he usually did because of the wings so he had to sleep on his side. That nearly killed his right wing since he was lying on it. But then, he remembered getting up and wishing that the wings would at least go away for a while, he had felt a surge of warmth and turned around to see what it was.

To his amazement, he had found that his wings had disappeared. Too tired to do anything more, he promptly fell onto his futon and fell asleep.

Now morning, he looked over his shoulders and was pretty relieved to find that they were still gone. Though he wouldn’t mind having wings large enough so he could soar in the air…

A sudden gust of wind and Echizen looked over his shoulder disinterestedly only to find his view being blocked…

…by a pair of black feathery wings hat were up about three feet from his shoulders.

Echizen blinked, that had only been a passing thought yet… it - his wings had appeared and grew? Okay, he thought, try going to the size they first were at.

A tingling sensation cause him to look back and see that they had, indeed, reverted back to the smaller sized ones in which he had first appeared in.

“Ochibi-chan!” came Kikumaru’s voice as Echizen looked up to see that the hyper half-feline male jumped on him, “You’re up! We’ll be having breakfast in a couple of minutes, nya,” he let him go, “then we’re off!”

Echizen nodded, understanding what was going on and continued to get ready for the journey.

“Kikumaru-senpai,” he suddenly spoke as the said male was about to leave, “How’s Momo-senpai?”

Kikumaru blinked and realized who had meant, “OH! Momo-chan is fine! He just said he felt dizzy is all.”

Echizen nodded and once again, finishing getting ready, followed his “senpai” out the room to eat breakfast.


Even if the tennis-Momoshiro and the swordsman-Momoshiro had completely different hobbies, they still ate similar. Meaning that both liked to eat as fast and as much as they could stuffed in their mouths.

Meaning that swordsman-Momoshiro was as much of a pig as tennis-Momoshiro.

That had occurred during breakfast and now, the four, all packed and ready, were headed towards the country of Long, intent on speaking to Prince Tezuka.

Echizen felt his newly bought sword on his back as he walked, wings folded under the heavy black cloak. He grinned smugly as he thought about using the weapon.

He’d love to test it out.

Though he didn’t want to jinx them and himself.

He blinked as he felt something tingly going up his spine, and turned his head to see what it was. There was nothing but bushes so he turned to face the front once again and followed the others on the way to Long.

Strangely enough, they - the three of them, Oishi, Kikumaru and Momoshiro - were all quiet, thought Echizen as they continued down the path, heading towards a small town mid-way to Long.

It was quiet, too quiet…

As if it had heard Echizen’s thought, a sudden roar was heard. The sudden shouts had immediately alerted the four of them and a huge boy leaped out of the bushes, almost as if he was flying towards them. Huge leather green wings were held high above his back and shoulders and he held a dagger in one hand.

Echizen could only see the leather wings, the finely toned muscles and white-gray hair before he could pull out his sword to defend himself.

Holding out it in front of him with both hands clasped on the beautiful hilt, Echizen noticed that Momoshiro pulled out his sword as well while Oishi pulled out a stag that seemed to come out of nowhere. To Echizen’s shock, he found that Kikumaru had morphed into a large lion.

Trying to concentrate on the possible attacker(s), Echizen turned his attention back to the dragon-like human with the dagger and found golden-yellow eyes glaring at him.

What was wrong with this guy? Echizen thought as he blocked an attack with the dagger with his sword. He gritted his teeth from the impact, the muscles weren’t for nothing.

“Ochibi-chan!” the lion roared behind hi. Seeing an opportunity to attack, Echizen ducked, letting the boy fall forward from lack of response and the lion jumped forward, baring his sharp teeth.


Another voice cried and Echizen thought that it had sounded quite familiar…

…very familiar.

Kikumaru stopped in mid launch and landed a little ways from Echizen and the boy - who growled and ignored the voice.

Echizen’s eyes widened as he quickly moved out of the dagger’s path. Glaring at the boy, he got a closer look and saw that the face was familiar… a face he had beaten before in tennis. Brushing that thought aside, he felt a sharp pain rose at the mid-section between his elbow and shoulder where the dagger had met and connected with flesh.

The voice’s owner came running to the scene - another boy - wait.

“Kawamura-senpai?” Echizen blurted as he recognized the face and now knew why the voice seemed familiar.

“Eh?” Oishi, Kawamura, Momoshiro and the now human Kikumaru chorused.

Kawamura glanced at Echizen before turning to look at the growling boy. “You should stop Akustu…” Kawamura continued, reached out a hand.

Echizen blinked - he knew that guy looked familiar!

He gasped at the sudden bout of pain and looked over at his left arm. There was a deep gash there, blooding railing down his arm - the dagger had ripped his cloak. He clutched his arm now.

“Ochibi-chan!” Kikumaru shouted, turning his attention towards the smaller youth. Oishi and Momoshiro followed his gaze and rushed over as soon as they spotted the blood, while Kawamura and Akustu were bus arguing.

Having enough of the argument, Akustu ran off, leaving behind an exasperated Kawamura. Turning back his attention towards the unknown travelers, he immediately started to apologize.

“I’m very sorry… My friend is…well… it’s a long story, but I’m very sorry for my friend’s behavior. I hope you - ah!” he cut off as he saw Echizen’s gash, “D-Did…” he trailed off looking as if he was going to faint.

“Wah! Watch out!” Kikumaru shouted as he lunged after the falling boy.

There was a crash; they all flinched.

Echizen sighed, it was going to be a long day, he could feel it.


“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m very sorry,” he kept repeating and bowing to the group of four. They were now in a restaurant. Finding out that Kawamura owned a restaurant, Echizen, Momoshiro and Kikumaru immediately let Kawamura lead the way.

“I’ll let you guys eat free - a way of repaying,” he meekly suggested as Echizen tried to pick up the ramen noodles with his right hand. (He’d been told to let it heal, but Oishi insisted on using his powers to heal, but Echizen refused - saying it will heal soon) while Momoshiro and Kikumaru gulped the noodles down.

Oishi only talked to Kawamura - saying that no one was harmed except for Echizen.

Kawamura sighed, then, “Oh! I’m Kawamura Takashi by the way,” and he held out a hand before Oishi took it and bowed.

“Oishi Syuichiro, healer and sorcerer,” he introduced himself, then over to Kikumaru, “That’s Kikumaru Eiji, half feline, he can transform into any cat,” Oishi said, not knowing why he was spilling out such secrets. But he felt he could trust this male.

“That’s Momoshiro Takeshi, a swordsman and…” Oishi faltered when he arrived at Echizen, “Echizen Ryoma, a swordsman…” he trailed off.

Kawamura seemed to notice, raising only an eyebrow. He had felt a strange connection with the boy and the boy had called his name before even meeting him.

“Echizen, take off your cloak,” Oishi said, “I’m healing that gash and you can’t stop me,” he demanded as he abandoned the conversation and walked over to the boy.

Echizen grumbled under his breath but reluctantly slid his cloak off to reveal the sleek black bundle of feathers on his back, careful enough to avoid hurting his arm.

He held out his arm - or least he tried to - and left his “senpai” heal the wound.

Oishi held out his hands, muttering an incantation under his breath, staff out and a soft glow sprang from his hands, flowing towards the wound as Echizen watched with wonder.

Kawamura watched as Momoshiro and Kikumaru continued to gulp down the delicious ramen. He had gasped when he saw the pair of feathery black wings. Having a pair of feathered wings - let alone black - was rare.

Leathered wings were common though not many people know about it, Kawamura thought as he switched to Akustu. However, Akustu acts as if he’s the only leathered winged-human around.

Just because he was half-dragon didn’t mean…

Kawamura sighed and saw that Oishi had taken the bandages off Echizen’s arm now and was checking to see if his work was complete.

Echizen blinked. The pain was gone at least, he thought as Oishi put down his arm.

“It’s healed but it’ll be numb for a while,” he explained.

That was just like Oishi-senpai…

“Again, I’m truly sorry for my friend’s sudden attack,” Kawamura said, bowing once more.

“But… why did he attack us?” Momoshiro tried to say with his mouth full but only succeeded in making a few grunting noises.

Kawamura only stared blankly at the tall male and let out a confused, “What?”

“He asked hwy?” Kikumaru replied as he slurped up the last of his noodles, “Thank you, Taka-san!”

And thus Kawamura received a nickname.

“Well…” Kawamura started, “It’s in his instincts - he’s half dragon…” he started looking quite uncomfortable.

“D-Dragon?!” the rest of them chorused looking quite shock. Momoshiro stopped eating, chopsticks to his mouth and noodles slipping out. Kikumaru, too, stopped drinking his tea while Echizen’s eyes widened and Oishi had his jaws open.

“Nya! Was it his mother or father?” Kikumaru asked, first one to speak and get over the shock.

“E-Eh… it was his father…” Kawamura stuttered, looking as if Akustu was going to spring out any minute.

“How cool!” Kikumaru and Momoshiro - who had recovered - exclaimed.

Could they please shut up and get going with the trip?! Echizen thought irritatingly.

“Nya, thank you Taka-san!” Kikumaru shouted, waving at the restaurant owner, “Thanks for the extra food too!” he held up a couple of bento.

“Yes, we all thank you Taka-san!” Oishi reinforced, smiling.

“Come back anytime?” was the shouted reply.

The day went by fast - them visiting Kawamura’s town and leaning the name of the small town - Kleine Berlin - as it was named. (1) Kikumaru and Oishi each bought a medallion as a souvenir whilst Momoshiro bought more food and Echizen ignored it all - taking in only the scenes.

Then Kawamura had offered to make food for their trip. Of course the two loudest agreed and soon, they were on their way again, promising to visit.

“By the way, Oishi-senpai…” Echizen started as they walked won the path leading to the country of Long, “if Tezuka-buchou is a prince, how are we going to talk to him?” not realizing the slip-up.

Kikumaru was busy chatting with Momoshiro and Oishi didn’t seem to have head what the freshmen had called the prince.

Oishi smiled “Don’t worry. I’ve visited him a few times already, so it’s all taken cared of. Besides, he’s a good friend,” he answered and silence over took them once more.

Soon, the moon was shining bright, darkness enveloped the woods and the crickets began their song. Noticing the dark, Oishi declared that that would be it for the day and decided to take a break until morning.

As Echizen climbed into his flat “bed”, he thought back to his life at Seigaku and wondered how things were. His eyelids grew heavy, were they worried at all? Did they even care?

He soon fell into an uneasy sleep.


“It could be that his should is in another world.”

Hm? Was that Fuji-senpai? But wait…why is it all dark? Oh, I’m sleeping…

“Another world?! Are you out of your mind?!”

Momo-senpai too? Wait… this must be at my old life! Fuji-senpai! Momo-senpai! Can you hear me?!

“Fsh… be quiet stupid, someone’s asleep.”

Eh? Kaidou-senpai too? Where are they? Where am I?

“How?! He’s in a coma!”

Coma…? Wait… were they… no… they can’t be talking about me…

“What about the other patients, Momo?”

I’m awake! I’m fine! Can’t anyone hear me?

“Listen Fuji-senpai,” the name was spat out, “I don’t know about you but Ryoma’s in a coma! He won’t e awake for who knows how long! And you expect me to believe that his soul is…in another world?! You must be out of your mind.”

But… he’s right.

Echizen’s eyes flashed open.


Momoshiro Takeshi was angry - yes - the super power tennis player who usually got angry would calm down quickly - the one who was so happy - was downright angry.

How dare his senpai talk as if this was all some joke?! How dare he tell a joke like that! He bristled, storming out the hospital room and headed towards the bathroom, ignoring the nurse’s admonishing and pleas for him to come back from Kawamura who had appeared at the doorway.

He needed to clear his head…


Fuji watched in silence as Momoshiro stormed out, ignoring everyone. It was… amusing to see the second year power player act like this. He was very overprotective of Echizen - like an older brother…

“F-Fujiko-chan?” a timid voice asked and Kawamura appeared at the doorway.

“Saa… I guess I said something wrong…” Fuji explained vaguely as he fingered his chin seemingly in deep thought, frown on his handsome features.

“Senpai…” Kaidou greeted and left the room to go after the “idiot”.

“What’d you say Fujiko-chan?” Kawamura asked as Fuji walked over and sat next to Echizen’s bedside.

“Taka-san… Did you know, there are more than one world? In the other world, there could be another me, you and even Tezuka…” Fuji started with a bitter smile on his face, reaching out a hand to brush Echizen’s dampen locks away.

“F-Fuji?!” no pet name, Kawamura stared at Fuji as if questioning the younger boy the state of his mind.

“Ah! You can ignore what I just said,” he said and abruptly got up, picking up a plastic bag that Kawamura had not seen before.

He left and Kawamura sighed, taking Fuji’s seat next to Echizen.

Unknown to Kawamura, Echizen’s hand clenched into a fist.


“Eh? Syuusuke? What’s that?” Yumiko asked, noticing that her younger brother had entered with a small “Tadaima” and a plastic bag.

Fuji smiled and picked up the object from the bag. “Just another cactus.”

Yumiko gave a disapproving frown. “You have a lot already…”

“Ah,” Fuji agreed, “but one died just the other day.”

-end of chapter 3-

Author’s Note: Special thanks to Sango Hikari for betaing this. :D

I feel like I’m dragging this along. There is a plot. :D Just still in the process of writing. Notes?

I suppose a close friend would spas out if another friend “joked” around like that. I thought this chapter was more straightforward than the others. If not, feel free to ask.

1 - Little Berlin

Thoughts? Comments? Questions? Advice?

ryoma, black dream, fanfic, tenipuri, prince of tennis

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