holiday goal

Jan 12, 2012 09:30

Set my super fugly move aside, I will just rejoice because holiday finally comes for me! yay! I know it's super late since most of you had started new term days ago, but my exam has just ended yesterday. Thanks to your guys, I think I could score perfect 100 on yesterday's test, and Akutagawa Ryuunosuke did pop out 8D

My holiday is only a month but I'm already planning lots of thing to do. I will still go to college for meetings and such but aside of that, I've got new animes to watch and other things to do. Here's a (not-very) quick list;

(1) Baking

Is my current obsession. I've downloaded tons of video and recipes for reference. I will probably start with carrot or banana muffin/cake, then pastry, until finally macaron! I'm really falling head over heels for macaron and it's always my dream to be able to make them myself. There will be family reunion this weekend, I hope I can already make either carrot or banana cake. Will probably ended up cooking once in two days to improve my skill.

(2) Scrapbook

I want to make scrapbook as birthday present. You know, sometimes it's confusing what should you give for someone as a present. As for me, I'd rather be given money as present because I can use it for something I really want. Of course, unless someone gave me what I wanted as a present then I'd gladly accept it. There's something sentimental about scrapbook and since I will be making it myself, I think my feelings will be transferred easily to the receiver.

(3) Drawing & Iconing

Last time I drew was around August which was my last holiday as well. I just know I have to draw, again.

(4) Translating

I'm excited because I finally have enough raw doujinshi's and good kanji dictionary. I think I will start by few shirt doujins I found, I will update later about this project.

(5) Anime

So far I've watched 5 winter titles. Here are my impressions;
-Shin Tenipuri: Do I really need to say more?
-Rinne no Lagrange: nothing interesting so far but I can't say I dislike it. I will see for more episodes
-Another: MUST.WATCH. I've been missing this kind of show, horror, thriller, and has nakukoroni-esque in it. I just love this kind of anime. And the BGM actually helped building up the mood.
-Aquarion EVOL: Yoko Kanno was the sole reason why I watched this but EVOL turned out interesting. The slight 'symbolism' kind of bugging me, just for a bit though.
-Ano Natsu de Matteru: Onegai Teacher. Seriously, that's all I could think of. But the animation was good so I think I will stick with this.
There's still another title that I'm interested in such as InuXBoku SS, it's due today I think and I'm still waiting on it. Though I'd like it more if the role was reversed, coughshotacough.

Till next time, folks.

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