I'm impressed. I've encountered some genuinely nice people lately. That's always nice to know that even "these days" there are some kind spirited people roaming about. Firstly was the awesome maintenance guy who came to check on the drains in the apartment. He not only fixed the reported problem, but also took care of a loose faucet and rinsed
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Comments 5
So I was wondering if you had any opinion on how to get from here to there, there being the TMBG concert on the 15th.
Rebecca is probably going to drive me there from Bizzle-Nizzle, because it's on her way anyway and I hate driving in big cities (such as St Louis) and I didn't know if you wanted to like, drive straight there and meet at the concert, or drive down here and stay the night on the humping couch or any other permutation.
Let me knows.
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