The Joys and Pitfalls of Fandom Friends

Aug 21, 2009 10:19

The Power Rangers Fandom has spoiled me.

While this *is* a good thing, it's also very troubling. You see, whenever I have a PR plot or theory, it's not a problem. Depending on what I want to write, there's at least half a dozen people to help with my plot or characterization. A theory? Plenty of sounding boards. There are fandom friends all over the place.

The reason this has become a problem comes up when I want to work on something for another fandom. For some, like Harry Potter, Supernatural, or just general Anime, I can still find a few friends from PR to haggle over details or listen to me ramble about a new plot bunny. But Chronicles of Narnia? My newest obsession, Thunderbirds? There's a fandom out there, but I don't know anyone in it! If I want to debate Edmund's feelings before becoming a king, or characterize the Tracy brothers (Seriously, where are people getting their personalities from? 'Cause I'm seeing nada.), I'm pretty much on my own. Or rambling at friends who have no idea what I'm talking about. And I'm starting to realize just how hard it is to push my ideas further if there's no one to talk to about it.

Does anyone else seem to have this problem? can offer betas now, but that's not quite what I'm looking for. And forums scare me, so I steer clear of them. But how else to you find a pre-beta for something you haven't written yet? And it's not like any old person will do, either: it has to be someone who can push the boundaries of your imagination.

-Sighs- On which note, any Supernatural fans willing to help me with a fic involving Sam as one of the Five Horsemen of the Apocolypse, and Dean as the archangel Gabriel? It's semi-written, but now I'm stuck, and I could use some fresh ideas. (And for the record, yes weesta, this is at least partially your fault. ^_~)

power rangers, thunderbirds, fandom, narnia, supernatural

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