The Reality of Love

Aug 14, 2009 04:50

Found this article on Yahoo today.

I understand the newspaper's policy, and the reasoning behind it. I don't like it, but that's not what hurt to read. This was:

"After all, our marriage is just as real and legal and entitled to celebration as any of the others that are announced each week in the pages of The Spectrum," Jones, 30, wrote in an e-mail to Welch.

"This simply is not true," Welch replied in an Aug. 10 e-mail, a copy of which the couple provided to The Associated Press. "While that may be the case in some states it is not the case in the state of Utah. As our policy is to run marriage announcements recognized by Utah law, I have made the decision not to run the announcement."

Your marriage is not real. How can you say that to someone? That's just ...

My heart goes out to this couple.

They did, eventually find a paper willing to run their announcement. But to know that someone actually said 'your marriage isn't real', because your home state won't recognize it ...

And this, is also absolutely true:

"I've thought a lot about the gay and lesbian kids who are surely all over the place in southern Utah, and maybe it's gratuitous on my part, but they need to see this announcement in the paper," he said. "When I was a kid ... I would have loved to have seen a picture of two guys having their life together celebrated in the paper."

Congratulations, Tyler Barrick and Spencer Jones. Celebrate your life together. ♥


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