Show, how we love you. You make NO SENSE WHATSOEVER.

Aug 10, 2009 23:31

I never thought about just how fucked up Mike's return is until I tried to summarize it for phantom_blue, 'cause she forgot.

phantom_blue: Terra Venture had a live volcano? For reals?
Akume: You don't remember that part?
phantom_blue: I haven't watched LG since it aired, minus the premiere and finale
Akume: In the mountain dome, there's a volcano that Magna Defender makes active to try and destroy Scorpius.
phantom_blue: AHAHAHAHA that's brilliant
Akume: His Zord disowns him, the Rangers try to reach the volcano themselves for some reason, and Magna Defender just sort of stands back and watches. Then his son's spirit appears and convinces him that's a Bad Idea, so he throws himself in instead.
phantom_blue: Ohhh! I remember now! Is this when he commits suicide?
Akume: This is shortly after telling Leo that he's inhabiting Mike's body and he should want him dead, and Leo insisting he doesn't want that.
Akume: Yup!
Akume: And then miraculously, Mike is alive again!

Poll Lost Galaxy Rewrite, Again!

lost galaxy, poll

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