When in doubt, add fire and chickens.

Nov 30, 2008 01:39

So, I think it's well been established that my NaNo won't be finished by NaNo standards. But being that I've been developing this story for ten years before I'd even attempted NaNo, that doesn't mean I'm done writing it. In fact, it just makes me think more along the lines of 'Hey ... Wonder if I can have a rough draft by the end of December .... '

Anyway, I'm taking a break from attempting to write AngstyBridge for Bright Skies to read starandrea's NaNo, since I haven't yet. I came upon the comment of: 'When in doubt, ADD CHICKENS.'

My immediate response was: 'FIRE-BREATHING CHICKENS!'

I now have a very interesting battle scene envisioned in my head, and I may be working on my NaNo again later.

Which just further goes to prove that starandrea = LOVE. And sparkly happy things.

And fire-breathing chickens. ♥


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