Still kicking ... More or less

Nov 17, 2008 16:34

I've learned a few interesting things over the last few days.
  • People will still ask how you are when you're slowly approaching a cash register on crutches. And they seem surprised when you gave them a sardonic smile and say "I've been better."
  • Electronic carts are a *lot* harder to drive than they look - no matter what my brother says. (He used to work in a shop that rented them, so his opinion doesn't count.)
  • Most people will pretend to ignore you when you come up behind them in said electric cart, and you have to call several times to get their attention and politely ask for them to move. Because, you know how absolutely silent those carts are. -Rolls eyes- That, or their children are trying to dive out in front of you so you can run them over.
  • Why does Wal-Mart provide electronic carts if you can't get down half the aisles in one? If my brother hadn't been there to play errand boy for me, it would have taken me forever to do my shopping.
  • Due to the amount of time it takes to get around a kitchen on crutches to make food, it's not worth bothering until you're completely starving. And by the time you're done, inevitably someone will conveniently come in while you're trying to slink off to collapse in your room for a nap, because getting around on crutches is absolutely exhausting.
  • Apparently if I'm not able to clean and restock the upstairs bathroom in this house, no one else will. I seriously considered braving the possible header down several small flights of stairs to the garage for toilet paper when I got up this morning, until I was finally able to beg someone else to go get it.
But after all these interesting revelations, I have *happy* news:


I *FINALLY* got a hold of someone through the hotline that was supposed to be finding me a place to go for it, and this guy was so helpful he even called them for me, right then, to set up the appointment. (If I ever meet him in person, I swear I'll hug him.) It's tomorrow at 2:00pm, so I would appreciate any crossed fingers and positive energy sent my way in hopes that they find something wrong. I'm notorious for going to the hospital for tests, only to be told there's nothing wrong with me. I'm *REALLY* hoping they find something tomorrow. -Prays reverently-

Of course, because I'd jumped at the opportunity for an MRI as soon as possible, it wasn't until after I'd told my brother and made it to the kitchen that I finally remembered what tomorrow is. When I did, I laughed myself sick for almost five minutes straight.

I gave myself an MRI for my birthday.

-Still giggling and crossing her fingers- Here's hoping everything comes through.

*Is still amused that Wal-Mart is in her spellcheck.


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