Random Pictures and other Things!

Apr 25, 2013 19:45

In sorting files on my computer last night, I discovered that I lost one of my absolute FAVORITE icons: Wes and Erin Silver Guardian uniforms, both grinning and Wes hugging onto Eric from behind.I know jadetate made it for Angel, but I can't find it anywhere now. ;_; FOUND IT! \0/ (It's the first one. ♥)

On the upside, I found these on Texts from the Morphing Grid and had to share. ^.^

Antonio and Jayden
Kelsey and Chad
Gia and Emma
Wes and Jen (And so true! ♥)
Hunter and Blake (Probably not that funny, but it still made me laugh.)
Katie and Jen
Adam and Justin -Dies-

In other news, I am back to attempting my
queer_fest prompts.

... I seriously have no idea WTF is going on in this story.

power rangers, writing, fanfiction, icons, texts from the morphing grid

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