I like breaking reality too much.

Mar 24, 2013 12:11

I ... have a problem.

I mean, I kind of knew I did, but I'm getting exasperated with myself now.

I signed up for
queer_fest. I have two prompts for Harry Potter, and one Power Rangers. And one of my Harry Potter prompts is post-epilogue.

I HATE the epilogue with the passion of a thousand suns. I found it cliché and unrealistic. (Seriously, how are Harry and Ron Aurors when they never finished their last year of high school? Just because they 'saved the Wizarding World'? >.O) The kids names are terrible, and just about everything felt recycled.

(Obviously, this is my personal opinion. If you loved the epilogue, more power to you. Let's just agree to disagree.)

That said, this prompt just ... spoke to me. Because while I loathe the epilogue, I do find a small, twisted part of my brain trying to 'fix' it sometimes. My prompt is *definitely* out of the box for the characters, too. I'm actually looking forward to it; it's halfway written in my head already.

My problem lies in the fact that I want to add a twist to ALL of the epilogue kids. I'm trying to pretend it's not out of spite, but that's probably a lie. For instance, pretty much everyone I've ever seen/read has James Sirius as being exactly like his grandfather, Lily Luna just like her mother, Rose Weasley just like her mom, ect. It's about fifty-fifty for Albus Severus being in Griffindor or Slytherin, but generally they have him taking after Harry.

So far my muse wants to throw them all in various Houses (because anyone who knows my feelings on Harry Potter - or has read Alan Tracy and the BoyWhoLived - knows that Housing stereotypes make me want to hurt people). I want to warp and twist around all the characters so that they're completely different from what everyone expects. I want Scorpius Malfoy to be friends with the Potters and Weasleys, but without pairing him with Rose. I know a lot of people like to think of them as the new Draco/Hermione, but just ... no. And yet I'm not opposed to Scorpius/Albus even though it's supposed to be the new Draco/Harry. -_-

I'm trying to tell myself that I don't need to break EVERY SINGLE STEREOTYPE just because I can. But ... I kind of want to. And I probably shouldn't.

I dunno. I guess I just feel like I'm in danger of going over the top? And that's probably a bad thing, and I feel like someone should talk me out of it? x.x

harry potter, fanfiction, fandom

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