Too in love for words. ♥

Mar 23, 2013 09:43

I discovered this vid on YouTube a few days ago and fell in love with it. Gorgeous music, gorgeous vid, and it fits the character *perfectly*.

image Click to view

Today I was watching it again because that song keeps getting stuck in my head, and decided to investigate who sings it, because. *_* Which is how I discovered Michael Henry and Justin Robinett.

These guys are *amazing*. Beautiful voices, fantastic harmonies, musical ability ... Heck, they even do mixes. I hadn't found found any song they've done a cover for that I haven't adored. If I wasn't broke, I would totally be raiding iTunes for them. They need a CD. Or six.

And now I'm imagining their version of If I Die Young as a vid for Samurai and whimpering, because it would be *awesome*.

ETA: Also just discovered this lovely article through a Facebook friend. Ironically when I was thinking about CampNaNo, and if I want to/will be able to write something for it, and what I should write.

Babies don’t walk perfectly the first time they try; they start of shaky and wobbly and they fall down sometimes but with some practice and support they get the hang of it and eventually they’re walking pros. Where would you be now if as a baby you didn’t attempt to walk because you were afraid of falling?

Still don't know *what* to write, but I feel inspired all the same. ♥

rise of the guardians, music, youtube vids, campnano

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