Young Love

Mar 20, 2013 14:38

It is finally finished! \0/

Somehow I went from playing Final Fantasy VII to randomly working on this. -Shrugs- Whatever. I think it's cute.

Young Love (Power Rangers Samurai, K)
Author/: Tsukino Akume
Fandom/: Power Rangers Samurai
Characters/: Rocky DeSantos, Adam Park, Antonio Garcia, Jayden Shiba
Pairings/: Rocky/Adam, Antonio/Jayden
Rating/: K
Disclaimer/: Seeing as Antonio isn't Rocky and Adam's son in canon (that we know of), it's safe to say they're not mine.
Summary/: Rocky and Adam meet their future son-in-law.
"Remember not to pick on him," Antonio lectured, looking incredibly serious even as he shifted nervously back and forth.

fanfiction, prs

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