Power Rangers Megaforce Episode 7

Mar 19, 2013 12:48

Power Rangers Megaforce ... 7? I think? I didn't care enough about 6 to comment on it, so I guess so.

  • For a second there I thought this was going to be another throwback to Bulk and Skull, and I would have been annoyed. It's still closer than I would like, but I can live with it.
  • Yay Noah for letting Troy fight his own battles!
  • Why is Emma always trying to get Troy to beat people up? First with Jordan, now with these guys.
  • "No matter how small, everything deserves respect." ♥♥♥
  • AWWW! BulliedKid is taking Troy's words to heart! It's totally going to get him killed, but that's still awesome! ♥
  • Gia and Jake sure do get teamed up a lot. I know why, but I'd rather see her working with Emma, or him with Noah. >.O
  • Wait, we were in the park. How'd they end up thrown through the wall of an abandoned building? o.O
  • DIRTY UNIFORMS! I don't know why, but that pleases me, because people hardly ever get dirty when they fight in this show.
  • 'It's in the area'? That's helpful. -Rolls eyes- I keep hoping Gosei will get better, and finding myself disappointed.
  • Whoa. There's some dead/severely injuried people after that rain of fireballs. O.O
  • ... Did Creepox just insinuate he wants to keep Troy as a slave? -Eyes
    thesecondbatgirl's slave-verse and hides-
  • Wow, Noah's getting to be a good fighter. He's doing better than Troy here. o.o
  • NOAH! ♥
  • That rolling flip thing was pretty damn awesome.
  • -Snorts- The clearly plastic sword is wobbling as he blocks. Seriously Show: better quality props would go a *long* way.
  • Okay, what is with the 'do you see any tears' thing? Is he physically unable to cry, or is Show trying to tell us that crying when you're being bullied is a sign of weakness? Because if it's the second, I will have ISSUES with this.
  • ... And Troy's bad voice acting returns. -Sighs-
  • Ooh, that Galaxy Meteor Shot is pretty. *_*
  • .... The whole 'Gosei we need your help' and 'you have proven yourself to me' scene has so many things wrong with it. SO MANY.
  • Oh, Jake. Don't dance. Ever.
  • -Groans- I saw the 'bullies are nice now' thing coming, but I hoped I was wrong. -_-

Another unrealistic version of anti-bullying Show. Dealing with bullies DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY. Just ... URGH. >.<

On the other hand, it was nice to see supposedly injured Rangers, and Noah was pretty damn kickass when he fought with Troy. I also like Troy's habit of ignoring obnoxious people. He's oddly mellow for a Red, but I like that about him.

Not a fantastic episode, but not a bad one.


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